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Everything posted by cptx

  1. i think it is happening more around the whole league since they moved the attempts back
  2. in the corner? there are tears running out of my TV
  3. can't wait to hear the spanish broadcast of that one
  4. i mean i guess we could throw bersin out there...
  5. come on man... i have an expensive keyboard and a sensitive nose and u just almost made me blow beer through both of them
  6. someone needs to take shula's crayons and write fug YOU all over that page of the playbook
  7. getting hot dogs and pissing out that high dollar beer
  8. yeap. it had zero effect on the outcome of the play. was not a pick in any way shape or form. fug gruden
  9. panthers are winning and get the ball to start the second half. they have shown flashes and the colts haven't shown poo. y'all need to settle down, they got this
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