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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. No. Everyone knows you can completely gut and rebuild a roster in two years AND be a playoff contender. Burn it. Burn it down now, and salt the ground for good measure. /sar
  2. Speaking of loops… birds = 1 fish = 2 while birds + fish > 1 do birds = 3 - birds fish = 3 - fish end
  3. I always recommend a high quality latex bonding primer for best long term results…
  4. I’m going to throw a flag on this. Chubba went to Twitter to voice his displeasure, rather than speak first to Gundy. It’s entirely possible that it could have been resolved at that point without dragging the team and the university into it. Hypothetical scenario: Chubba sees something that offends him during his tenure as a Panther. I for one would rather see him go to Rhule or Fitterer first and discuss it privately rather than fire something off on Twitter or to the media, where the issue will get inflamed and enlarged. There is a reason that HR policies direct an employee to speak to their Supervisor first. Conflict resolution or grievances are always best handled at the lowest organizational level possible. Pro tip: the higher up a complaint escalates without successful resolution, the more acrimonious the final outcome for both parties. Even though I think he was impulsive and showed poor judgment in how he handled the previous incident, he is a Panther now and I will be pulling for him to be successful here. He’s young and we all learn as we go through life.
  5. 1. Concessions will cost more 2. Fan reaction to male Topcats will be ambivalent 3. Bathroom stalls will periodically run out of TP 4. Beer could be colder 5. Your wife will not enjoy the game as much as you will
  6. This is the modern, politically correct NFL. I miss the old days when our Topcats would venture into Tampa Bay bars and throw down. I mean, who doesn't love a good cat fight?
  7. Let me take a shot at this... 1. Unknown 2. Cheap insurance 3. Cheap insurance 4. Still being negotiated 5. Cap savings relative to on field performance
  8. Interesting factoid: LT on that play was Daley. Leaning a little into his block but I’ll take effective over ugly every day.
  9. You stated that CMC does not want to be a leader. I don't think it is terribly argumentative to ask what evidence you have to support that statement. Absent evidence, that is just your opinion. We all have opinions. Don't get your panties in a wad.
  10. Mrs. Nbrs states categorically that if you add enough yeast, sugar and warm water, you can make anything rise. Well, almost anything...
  11. What information do you have to support this assertion. Specifics, please.
  12. Please, 'no' on Tre. We've been to that rodeo and know how it ends. I would rather roll with a final cut FS from another team.
  13. True but I think that NFL game reps count a little more than college level reps. At best, it's an apples to oranges comparison. I do share your concern about those NFL reps being with the Jets. We'll see pretty quickly this season whether the Jets broke Sam for all time or whether Sean Ryan is truly the 'Quarterback Whisperer'. Other Huddlers make valid comments about the O-line being a factor in Sam's success or failure. I tend to think that Sean Ryan will potentially be the biggest factor in getting Sam's head 'right' and set up for success.
  14. Damn, that Brady fellow is destined to be a JAG. Glad we didn't draft him. /sarc
  15. About as well as the Vernon Butler maneuver...
  16. Generic sildenafil is cheaper and equally efficacious... or so I've heard.
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