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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Fixed? In the same way that one would spay or neuter a dog? That would explain some of the interior O line play recently…
  2. Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner...
  3. I’ll take the other side of that bet. Not because Sam’s last four games have been starter quality, they weren’t, but because no reasonable person can apportion responsibility solely on Sam, when this clusterf*ck has been a true team effort; players, coaches, front office. Truly. The front office and coaching staff will give him next training camp with an (hopefully) improved O-line and a different OC to prove this season was not indicative of his true ability. When the team has invested second and fourth round draft picks, you won’t write off the asset without kicking the tires further.
  4. Wait, you can trade coaching staff for draft picks? Sweet! j/k
  5. Turnstile is hugely under appreciated for an interior lineman. Go over him, go under him but you will never go through him. Word.
  6. Is that an observation or a recommendation? With this O-line, you can't be sure...
  7. I hear that Penicillin clears that up quickly. Yes, be brave but also be protected…
  8. You can argue who should start where but this group of five is probably our best lineup the remainder of this season: BC, Erving, Elf, Miller and Moton. Leave Miller and Moton on the right. It's a big ask but let Erving help out BC on the left. [Can Elf really be worse than Paradis?]
  9. Let's fix this problem via the front office. Fitterer scraps the existing O-line player contracts and re-structures them as 'pay for performance', where sacks and missed blocking assignments cost the player actual money and only positive plays earn you bank. Well, a man can dream, can't he?
  10. Sad as it sounds, I'd argue that the current O-line is better at zone blocking for the run game than pass protection. Maybe.
  11. Sure, why not? Throwing gasoline on a burning building always improves the outcome.
  12. True. He is who we hope that Donte will eventually turn into performance wise. Helluva player, great team contributor in locker room, good person.
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