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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Trade back, grab Pennington and Corral. BC and Pennington battle it out in training camp. Win, win.
  2. This is why I come to the Huddle. Thank you.
  3. This is the way... [Prefer Corral between the two.]
  4. Are we talking vasectomy or full blown eunuch? Only one explains the recent bloatiness and weight gain.
  5. It’s an Altendorf cipher. I just haven’t figured out the skip sequence yet…
  6. This is about the fairest assessment of Sam unrealized potential. Limited by our team roster and coaching deficiencies, but not going to get us much beyond .500. Hat tip to you, sir.
  7. This problem will resolve when we start eleven safeties in a never before seen in the NFL, hybrid defensive scheme. It may not work but by gawd, it will be novel and entertaining.
  8. Tell me you have impulse self control issues without telling me you have impulse self control issues...
  9. Horse and Hound magazine is reporting the same thing. Must be legit…
  10. Consolation prize. “Hey, Johnny, what do we have as a parting gift for our losers?”
  11. Hate? No. That’s corrosive to the soul. Disappointed? Hell, yes. Still hoping for the sake of the Panthers that he can figure it out this year, but the previous body of work indicates he can’t.
  12. Yeah, I'm one of the older rats in the Huddle barn... but I can still take some of the young bucks on the tennis or basketball court on a good day. The recovery days are now 3X what they used to be, though. [sigh]
  13. Billy Kilmer before he was injured. Now, I’m really dating myself. Hell, I remember watching Sonny Jurgenson as a child.
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