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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Hysteria management is a art lost on the ‘gotta have it now’ generation. They want to blow their hysteria wad before the first preseason game. Rookies.
  2. I agree with everything you said however, what's wrong with asking Baker to earn it?
  3. That's a little unfair. I really do believe that Baker will get an honest look and evaluation from the coaching staff.
  4. Probably not much tread left on the tires. Vet minimum?
  5. Something… something… ‘Captain Obvious’
  6. No way Corral goes to the practice squad. There’s stupid and then there’s galactically stupid…
  7. "The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room."
  8. Let me take a little blue pill, and I'll get back to you in an hour with an answer...
  9. "I had the right to remain silent... but not the ability"
  10. Sweet. That's the benefit of having low initial expectations; it's hard to be really, deeply disappointed.
  11. That's a 3.3% increase, better than nominal GDP adjusted for inflation...
  12. What was it before? Starting point matters...
  13. Some people just want to see the world burn... You feel me?
  14. “You usually pay double for that kind of action, Cotton”
  15. We'll never beat 'The Sky is Falling' thread...
  16. In my work experience, we often use the phrase “attention whore” for someone who just has to make everything about them. Lesson learned: get the cancer out of your business unit, stat
  17. Pass. Retreading former employees or players has a low success rate.
  18. “It’s gotta be the facial hair, Cotton. It’s beautiful! Featured and lethal, you just don’t see it nowadays.”
  19. Yeah, he's wired pretty tightly. Great if you can back it up with performance, which he did long time. Wired tight and marginal performance is not a good look.
  20. Bingo! In the work world, you measure intelligence relative to the ability to execute the requirements of the position.
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