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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. No, that was Field Marshall Montgomery. [Patton] "Give me 400,000 gallons (of diesel fuel), I will go to Berlin."
  2. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."
  3. So, by that criteria you would reject Lebron James, David Beckham, Dennis Rodman and Colin Kaepernick for having Biblically themed tattoos? Seems pretty judgmental and narrow minded…
  4. Perhaps because it's not but, thank you for expressing your opinion. We'll take it under advisement.
  5. True but, a nice gig if you can get it. Anderson made a career of it.
  6. Okay, I guess. Not sure how the largest ponzi / fraud in capital markets history works as a form of comparison / contrast but, I still get your general drift…
  7. That’s an objectively fair assessment. I’ll allow it.
  8. You’ll catch hell for the above comment but, I agree.
  9. No, Nebraska’s problem now. The offset shows someone was thinking ahead, in the event Rhule was fired. Now, it is no longer Tepper’s problem.
  10. Any bridge FA veteran that can walk and chew gum at the same time. Corral may or may not make the roster next year; I’m indifferent either way. Camp competition will sort that out. Where we appear to differ, I don’t think a really good HC and OC will risk ruining the rookie QB by throwing him to the wolves his first season. Too much draft capital at risk to do that. JMO, YMMV
  11. I would like to think that a competent coaching staff would say, ‘no’, to starting him before he is ready. Fans don’t get to make that call.
  12. Choose the right HC, OC and you increase the odds that any of these first round QB’s will be starter material in 2-3 years. Would love to see Richardson and Corral compete under competent HC and OC.
  13. If our draft position is R1.2 - R1.4, I’m all for trading back and grabbing Richardson later. None of these four look like sure fire choices, to be drafting them in the first four selections.
  14. Trading back in R1 this year and grabbing Richardson if he’s still available makes the boom or bust outcome more attractive, provided we do something intelligent with the additional picks. I think the argument that having more swings at bat makes good sense and good risk management.
  15. Ford Pinto station wagon. Nothing says, 'hey babe, I'm Mr. Uptown', like the fake wood paneling, rusted through floorboard, and the smell of gasoline. Good times.
  16. If you're rooting for a tank finish to the season, why wouldn't you start Darnold? Be consistent, people. If you really despise him, if you think that he can't walk and chew gum at the same time, you have to start him just to ensure a top three draft pick. Are we good, now?
  17. On the suckage scale 1 to 10 with 10 the highest, just how high would you rate Rhule? Bonus question: Is your rating absolute or just a relative ranking compared to, say, Rivera?
  18. Absolutely. In on every deal. As a bridge quarterback to a future draft pick, we could become competitive almost immediately and he would also be an excellent mentor to the eventual future QB of the team. Cap friendly contract is a bonus; what’s not to like?
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