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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Lady Panther... the calm voice of reason among the nattering nabobs here on the Huddle.
  2. That’s cold. Can I pay for your gas both ways?
  3. There is no shame in admitting you are in an abusive situation. We’re here for you…
  4. Not to derail the thread but, shocked that Atlanta passes on Stroud, and Kincaid is taken ahead of Mayer. He he he. Kids and their mock drafts.
  5. In used autos, this is known as ‘salvage value’
  6. Younger? Moved to Charlotte in 1982, been following since the inaugural season. Not blind optimism, just recognizing the absolutely breathtaking peak pessimism on this site. I’ll stand by my original comment that we’ve seen the worst with the combination of Rhule and the overall 2022 QB performance, IF we land Kafka or Steichen. In any event, if things are worse in 2023, I invite you to remind me of this and I will ‘eat crow.’
  7. Pie, just for ‘… shaving badgers with dull razors.’ I’m stealing that one!
  8. The one in the middle of the road at rush hour?
  9. True enough, no guarantees. Anyone who is offering predictions of the upcoming season must make assumptions; just looking at it probabilistically. You can play with the percentages of each potential outcome but, I have a hard time seeing how the Panthers QB play in the upcoming season will be no better or worse than the just concluded 2022 season. All other things equal under Kafka or Steichen, Panther QB's by end of 2023 season will... Do better than 2022 - 60% No better, no worse - 30% Do worse than 2022 - 10%
  10. Our Death Valley days are behind us. Once the ink is dry on the contracts for either Kafka or Steichen, whatever QB’s are on the roster in training camp will be better. New playbooks and offensive schemes, coaching and player development, game day and half time adjustments, all of it will create the conditions for better QB performance. Rookie draft pick - Richardson, Hooker, McKee, Corral Bridge FA - Carr, Minshew, Darnold, Walker All of them will play and look better under the new coach and system, because coach and system are more important than raw athletic ability. Athletic ability is the floor. Coaching, system and player development determine the ceiling. It can’t get worse. It can only get better. With Kafka or Steichen, and with any three of the players listed above, playoffs in year 1 of the new regime.
  11. No to trading the two seconds for Mayer. He won’t fall that far and we need both second round picks. Quintin in the first, Kincaid at 39 and either Tanner McKee or Hooker at 60. This assumes we snag either Kafka or Steichen as HC, to develop Corral, McKee or Hooker. Sign Carr (preferred) or Minshew (consolation prize) or Darnold to be the bridge QB. Will be interesting to see who Kafka or Steichen would want as the bridge QB. For all our Huddle navel gazing, the opinion of Kafka or Steichen is all that really matters.
  12. She's now in her late 60's with menopause so, she's still hot...
  13. This interview process has been more like, "Waiting for Godot"
  14. "It is all sound and fury, signifying nothing."
  15. This. There is more than one round. Draft the best candidate in the second round, where the team’s player assessment aligns better with draft position. Why draft a second round talent in the first round?
  16. Props to Campen for coaching up this group, and scheming to optimize their play. We MUST retain him. Fitt, Tepper, you listening?!
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