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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. That’s a little strong. There are many organizations doing excellent work and are financially transparent and accountable. In the aftermath of hurricane Dorian (class 5), the government of the Bahamas was nowhere to be found. First into the devastated area was the Royal Navy and US Navy. The organization right behind them was Samaritan’s Purse, setting up a mobile hospital, food kitchens, water purification systems, hygiene kits, tarps, and field crews to help clear away debris and assist with clean up. The people of that area still speak in reverent tones about the Samaritan’s Purse volunteers who dedicated their unpaid time to help restore their local communities. Just one example but there are many more.
  2. Yes. There are moral or personal conduct provisions that allow clubs to break contracts but, I imagine the bar is high for that to be used. Federal tax fraud might do it. Shame if that were to happen. I like the idea of Denver being in cap hell for the next five or so years.
  3. Charity Watch, Charity Navigator, GuideStar and ECFA are useful sites to research a 501C3 (non profit) organization before giving. A good rule of thumb is to avoid organizations with compensation and overheads greater than 15% of total giving (revenue). Also, watching Denver become a smoking wreck of a franchise makes me happy! Carry on.
  4. The entire bathroom / tube scene was very entertaining.
  5. “I can’t afford you.” ”I’m not a hooker.” ”Oh, then I *really* can’t afford you.”
  6. True. “By their fruits you will know them.”
  7. Really not trying to be argumentative so, scratch Darnold. Who do you propose instead as the bridge until the new draft QB is ready, keeping in mind cap limitations? My mental block is that I don’t see much difference between Darnold, Brissett, Minshew so, I would go with the Devil I know over the unknown. If Brissett or Minshew are better options, help me see it.
  8. Definitely? No. Is it within the possible solution set? Yes.
  9. Similar thoughts. Take Quentin at 9 and then Hooker, McKee or [fill in the blank] whomever the brain trust thinks is the best option in R2. I trust this group to make that decision.
  10. Bridge QB and long term solution through the draft are not mutually exclusive…
  11. Bridge, not long term answer. Substitute Minshew or Brissett if you prefer.
  12. Interesting coincidence that Sam played his best ball for us in a year when our OL finally looked NFL ready. I’m not really sure what one has to do with the other. I’ll think on that some more.
  13. Be patient and stay put at 9. If one of the top four QB’s is not there, take Quentin Johnson or the best NT on the board. Draft Hooker of McKee in the second round. This is what Reich was hired for.
  14. Tanner McKee looks interesting for a second day flier…
  15. At last, a position coach that the players can look up to... I'll show myself out...
  16. Lord, please find a place for Luke on this staff, and smite our division enemies with fire, disease and pestilence. Amen.
  17. “… as far is the east is from the west.”
  18. Whomever we sign as the bridge, I would imagine that Reich will have major input into that decision. If Darnell is not brought back, either his agent is asking for too rich a contract or Reich has determined that there are better options to hitch his wagon to until the rookie drafted is ready. Will be interesting to see where this goes.
  19. Perhaps Evero was doing that very thing in Denver. Bringing that assistant onboard would be the continuation of that process, not the start. That is why I am curious to see who he brings over with him. Maybe.
  20. It is both good management practice and good leadership. Every competent manager should be identifying and training his own replacement.
  21. Watch the locker room come around. Players respect competence, experience, clear direct communication and servant leadership.
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