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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Hooker’s good. Who doesn’t love a good Hooker?
  2. Tire kicking free agents. It’s a thing…
  3. We're fans. We want to think that players love us and our city as much as we think we love them. When they won't sign for a hometown discount, they're dirty money chasing whores. /s
  4. Career seppuku is an awful thing to behold…
  5. Ikwonu, Horn, Brown, DJ, Burns, CMC. Trade ups of multiple first round drafts picks will cost you the 2024 and 2025 versions of the this list. No thank you. You do you.
  6. True. The reciprocal may also be true where with Reich’s staff, drafting Richardson, Hooker, McKee or Tune without trading up may produce very acceptable long term results without losing all the trade up draft picks. We fans are understandable anxious to see immediate results after the buildup of expectations for Reich and his staff. Maybe, just maybe, Reich, Tepper, Fitt are playing long ball, and willing to draft BPA at nine and then develop a later round QB prospect. Not a popular opinion on this board and likely to cause many heads to explode, if true. YMMV.
  7. So, you would have been a ‘no retreads’ with Delhomme?
  8. Is there a performance guarantee or warranty that comes with the mega pick trade up?
  9. I guess the label ‘retread’ now covers every QB changing teams that didn’t take their previous team to the SB. A one word rejoinder to the ‘No retreads’ crowd: Delhomme.
  10. I like your thinking but there is a 50/50 probability that it resets the market lower, as more teams tap out on the mega bucks for possibly damaged goods. My SWAG is that there is a large and growing contingent of GM’s looking at the Watson deal, 2022 results and are horrified. ”There but for the grace of God go I.”
  11. This. After the underwear Olympics, there are no surprises on ‘measurables’ but, the interview process to understand what goes on inside the head and heart of draft candidate is a very inexact science. How do you score and grade the ‘intangibles’ that often define the difference between Delhomme and Darnold? You could do an entire thread on intangibles and still struggle to define what characteristics equate to long term out performance. And for those who reject going with a retread, I have a one word refutation: Delhomme.
  12. Dear Lord, Smite our enemy, the Atlanta Falcons. Rain fire, pestilence and Lamar Jackson upon them. Burden their cap for many years with a ginormous contract and destroy their draft capital for many seasons. In your wisdom, confound their coaching by giving Lamar influence over Sunday game plans, draft choices and other personnel matters. And Lord, thank you for answering my prayer and sending Russell Wilson to the Broncos. I owe you big time for that. Thy will be done. Amen
  13. I’m showing my age here but, Sonny Jorgensen was 5’-11” and could make every throw on the field.
  14. Joe Theisman’s injury on MNF. I swear you could hear the bone snap through the TV.
  15. Duce will also carry the title of Assistant HC, I believe. Read that somewhere on this thread but several days back.
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