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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Like Shaq, the salary is the rub. On field performance versus what the player is paid. I have no problem with Thomas on the roster for his run blocking abilities… until I see his contract numbers. OY!
  2. The dilemma of every employer that wants to terminate a really bad employee: Will the person I subsequently hire to fill that now vacant position be any better than the person I just fired.
  3. I agree. Just not sure how Djax injury will impact what would otherwise be a strictly performance decision. A new wrinkle that I was not aware of when I made my earlier post, Monday is the deadline to extend the fifth-year option on both Brown and Henderson. Brown will be extended for sure but Henderson almost assuredly not. Researching a little deeper, Henderson's contract is structured such that his 2023 contract is fully guaranteed, and he gets paid whether he is cut before or after June 1; there are no cap savings unless he is traded. Who would take him and his guaranteed salary at this point? Nada, me thinks. Given Djax injury and since we are on the hook for his salary in 2023 no matter what (excepting a trade), I think we are stuck with him for 2023.
  4. I know. I was just having a little fun. Seemed like an easy layup.
  5. I think he gets one more opportunity under the new staff, i.e. real NFL coaches who have NFL experience and can actually develop players, to see if there is enough worth working with longer term. But I agree, he will be on a short leash and needs to show something in the next 90 days. Watching him play, he has the tools but, I’m just not sure he has that burning desire to be successful at this level. Perversely, the Djax injury may keep CJ around longer than he might otherwise.
  6. Jon provides pretty good commentary on this board. I’d give him a little more credit than that…
  7. “He speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom. He’ll blend in, disappear. You’ll never see him again.”
  8. Just a quick superficial eyeball scan and nothing earth shattering... (6, 46%) R2, (4, 31%) R3, (1, 7%) R4, (1, 7%) R5, (1, 7%) R6. So, ignoring R1 (duh), if you are looking for a starter or major contributor, you better be fishing in R2 and R3, where 77% of this list came from. Fitterer may be on to something in this draft if he is looking to trade down from 39 to accumulate more picks in R2 and R3. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
  9. Yes, a parody account. Alternately, you can think of his posts as a Rorschach test; you'll see what you want to believe is true.
  10. The team is bringing KB back, solely to help Bryce fill out that frame more quickly.
  11. Not enough exclamation points and you need to alternate UpPeR cAsE with LoWeR cAsE to really make your comment more impactful.
  12. This thread is worse than the food fight in Animal House...
  13. Finally, Hendon Hooker getting some love...
  14. Who didn't cry when they buried the ashes on the practice field? [sigh] "Come on, Tom. Say it with me, you pancake eating... "
  15. Not if you’re Rambo or a Japanese WWII kamikaze…
  16. Blink twice if you are being forcibly held captive at a Cirque du Soleil event…
  17. If the choice is Young, we better take the best G available at 39. This is how NO kept Brees alive and productive.
  18. For all the talk about giving our new QB1 weapons, if the selection is Young, a top tier G with a mean streak is far more important than a WR or TE. You have to be upright before you can throw the ball.
  19. Investing in tax free, high quality municipal bonds makes sense…
  20. And Joe Thiesman at the other end of that blind side hit. You could almost hear that bone break through the television set.
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