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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Oh, hell, why not? Bryce and Fields in an open competition in training camp for starter? At least it would be entertaining.
  2. [CRA made this point before me.] Otah’s comparison should be to Horn. A good to very good player that can’t stay on the field…
  3. This is a multi year rebuild; can’t fix it all in one year. Addressing the OP’s immediate question… 1. WR that can get separation. No slots, please. 2. LT 3. C/G Assumptions: BC gets first shot at LT next year. Ickey is moved inside and competes against Zavala, Mays, others for a starting spot at LG. C/G pick backs up Bozeman and Corbett. LT pick backs up BC and Moton. Go run heavy. Re-sign Foreman, admitting our mistake in letting him walk. Bryce gets one more year to demonstrate that he is or is not capable of being an NFL starter. If Bryce disappoints in 2024, we draft higher in 2025 and pick Bryce’s replacement. 2024 is going to be butt ugly, no matter what we do. Might as well sort out our WR and O line issues in 2024, setting up Bryce or his 2025 replacement for more success.
  4. Wait. I thought firing Reich was supposed to fix this. Damn, who does Tepper fire now?!
  5. Since this franchise is a three alarm fire, I humbly suggest something that complements asbestos and is flame retardant…
  6. This thought process breaks down immediately at step 2.
  7. That would require an incredible amount of self-reflection and humility. Yeah, we're screwed...
  8. Medieval clowns and court jesters played an important role in ‘speaking truth to power.’ Perhaps David Tepper is listening? “Jesters in Medieval Europe were decidedly more involved with affairs of state than were jesters in other time periods and locations. Oftentimes, a monarch or high-ranking official would search for a jester to keep at court. The court jester of medieval times was usually allowed to speak his mind freely, while not everyone else had to wait for the monarch's permission to speak. Many times, the jester would use his chance at free speech to criticize the monarch openly, where no one else could. Thus, a function of the jester was to act as a critic, and many stories exist to support the fact that kings did indeed pay heed to the criticism of the court jester.”
  9. “We can save really big bucks by replacing natural grass with artificial turf?”
  10. Suspend that true observation and just go with the flow…
  11. ‘… and then we can save money on other high salary positions.’
  12. David and Nicole show off their ‘NFL Executives of the Year’ certificate.
  13. This is a call to all creative and frustrated Huddlers. Post your favorite clown pics with a Tepper caption or reference. For example, ‘Tepper calls a staff meeting to explain to the coaching staff that a QB is really a point guard.’ You know what to do. Post ‘em here.
  14. There is a cosmic symmetry here. The Panthers are abandoning Wofford, just as the fans have abandoned all hope.
  15. Before we hire a head coach, we need the services of a priest to perform an exorcism. There is a lot of bad ju ju around this franchise…
  16. Ding, Ding, Ding. We have a winner! The fact that some responders don’t recognize satire, well, that’s just a bonus.
  17. With all his MANY weaknesses, he did not have a noodle arm, his footwork was better than Bryce, and we could actually win games if we went run heavy and schemed to hide his limitations. Winning football games; does anyone remember what that was like just 12 months ago? Come back, Sam. All’s forgiven.
  18. [deploys Galactic Universal translator] = “Moneyball”
  19. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers... "
  20. “When you come to a fork in the road, take it!” Yogi
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