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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. [gasps] Are you kidding me? We have the TE position well in hand. “Darnold to Dan Arnold” sounds beautiful, melodious, almost poetic. It is a thing of beauty.
  2. I’ll gladly take Jake 2.0, if Darnold can become that. Don’t let the pursuit of the perfect become the enemy of the good.
  3. The Panthers hire another OC. See, that was easy.
  4. I don't think he's a candidate for us unless he has a recent injury...
  5. Non-sequitur. “Definitely not expecting” does not mean that it was not discussed. Alternate possible interpretation: If it was discussed, Robby is indicating that he didn’t think the Panthers would be successful in obtaining Darnold... or that he was told that the effort would likely not be successful. The paucity of details gives no more weight to one interpretation or the other.
  6. So, you are an extrovert posing as an introvert or an introvert imitating an extrovert? Well, whatever. Stay “Forever Jung”.
  7. I thought about referencing Jordan Peterson rather than Jung, but that would have invoked mutually assured destruction from the Tinderbox crazies and completely derailed this thread.
  8. Way too much information, friend
  9. Fair point. Perhaps he can be coached up, along with some film break down of past bad habits.
  10. It’s not a bad way to go through life. You can do worse by taking the opposite approach.
  11. I’d like to order the crystal ball you’re using from Amazon. Brand and model number, please...
  12. This. Discounted for next year, this is the 2021 equivalent of a 3rd and 5th. Get back to me during training camp when we can see if Rhule and Brady can coach him up, along with the possible beneficial impact of whomever we draft this year. Bet there is some OL help coming in the early rounds of this draft.
  13. Really interesting interview. If Fields or Lance aren't available at 8, take the sure thing in Sewell/Slater and then trade back up into bottom of first for Davis Mills?
  14. I half jokingly reminded Mrs. Nbrs that Good Friday is still Friday, and that means date night. I got the above response. Should I interpret that as a 'no'?
  15. Picking at 8, there is a high probability that we will get to choose from some combination of Fields, Lance, Sewell/Slater, Parsons, Surtain. Thank the football gods that there is a run on QB's at the top of the draft this year, pushing potential pro bowl caliber talent down to 8. For all 'the sky is falling' Chicken Littles out there, endlessly and boringly bemoaning our meaningless win over WFT, suck it! Nothing but love, Bythenbrs
  16. I hear ya but I am more concerned with what the Panthers do than what another team does.
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