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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. With all respect and not to be argumentative, why? 2 + 2 = 4 in any zip code or time zone. If something is demonstrably true, does it matter if said by D, R, conservative, liberal, boomer or millennial? Facts are facts and ‘they’ are pretty stubborn about it. Anyway, I’ve probably strayed too close to the Tinderbox and I come to the Huddle exclusively for Panthers conversation. Grace and peace to you. My apology to anyone I may have offended unless you are an Atlanta Falcons fan.
  2. I’m with Verge and others who have said, ‘don’t overthink this’. Take Sewell at 8 and end the revolving door at LT for the next 10 years. Just my opinion. YMMV
  3. True is true, no matter who said it...
  4. There was a promo code for 50% off, if I remember correctly...
  5. With a new OC. Probably Sean Ryan, the current QB coach but that is just a guess on my part.
  6. You are persistent, I’ll give you that...
  7. Absolutely true. He has to improve. He has to want to improve. The fact that Fitterer and Rhule acquired him tells me that they believe their staff can coach him up and realize some/more/all of the potential that made him the third overall pick several years ago. This young man is only 23 but with 3 years of NFL starting experience. He heard the boos and media criticism as he and the Jets underperformed. He now has a life and career ‘do over’ opportunity, with a team that traded FOR him. I would think he would be highly motivated to prove the critics wrong in their prior judgment that he is a bust. With our coaching staff, he has the potential to be Jake 2.0. If the stars align, he could be more. YMMV
  8. Pour some Frank’s RedHot sauce on his pecker. That will get him moving...
  9. Maybe, maybe not. Could be just a summer thing...
  10. For all that is Holy, in the South we say ‘puddin’, no ‘g’
  11. Triggered? [snort] In the bad old days, the preferred phrase was ‘loss of composure’. Alternately, if you wanted to be a little snarky, ‘hey, bud, try decaf’. Either way, images of Teddy watching this video and totally losing it would be Pay Per View worthy.
  12. It is fairly invasive if not kept in a pot or planter.
  13. I think it’s safe to say that with Brady, more weapons and a better line (how much better yet to be revealed), Darnold will perform better here than NY. Modestly better? Substantially better? Will it be enough? Remains to be seen...
  14. Feels a little early for Darrisaw but I can understand the argument...
  15. Mint Street may go 'Sherman' tonight without any additional help...
  16. Hell, just give them Teddy and call in even...
  17. Hitting the Vicodin a little early in the afternoon, are we?
  18. Will that get us an additional third or fourth this year?
  19. This. He is not a bad player, just a good player on a really bad contract. The stench of Hurney is still in the building and won't be exercised until the last player contract he touched expires
  20. Agreed but SF may see him as a better scheme fit. [Oops, someone else posted similar above]
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