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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Many found K Short’s on field performance last year offensive and I don’t think he even applied for a permit...
  2. TBD. Horn may be the better fit in Snow’s scheme or because he is a better matchup against division competition.
  3. Incoming ‘size doesn’t matter’ comments in 3-2-1...
  4. Interesting. Does the same principle apply to O line?
  5. Right or left? Do each have the same trade value?
  6. Something, something about the laws of thermodynamics and conservation of energy. Output must equal input or the universe collapses into a singularity. Do it for the universe.
  7. Verge, who do the Panther’s brain trust have high on their list of G/C’s? Any insight?
  8. ??? Started the draft party drunk blogging a little early, have we?
  9. Thank you, Hurney. But to be fair, we can't lay Luke's dead cap at Hurney's feet. Other than that, well done, Marty, well done... /s
  10. Hurney, there is no question. Teddy 'checkdown' could only frustrate the fans and deliver mediocre win/loss results. Hurney's incompetence almost wrecked a franchise.
  11. This is THE draft to do so... Giddyup!
  12. T-Rex had short arms. I'm sure he was an ineffective hunter...
  13. [Channeling Marty Hurney] "Look at that arm length! Future pro bowler, for sure."
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