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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. "... "old soldiers never die; they just fade away". General Douglas McArthur, a man of quiet grace, humility and dignity. Aaron, the HOF is whispering in your ear. Are you listening?
  2. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we got more in trade for Little than Teddy ‘Checkdown’?
  3. Viagra fixes that. I mean, that’s what I’ve heard...
  4. What’s wrong with The Notebook? Guys having feelings too!
  5. Beautiful! Brought a tear to my eye...
  6. Regular marinara or vodka sauce?
  7. Other team’s final cuts to 53 will help fill these out. Still a few FA that might sign a one cap friendly deal. I’m pretty confident team is not done yet.
  8. I think the word you are struggling with is ‘nuance’.
  9. Which is more darts to throw at the board. A virtue if you believe in the quantity over quality argument. George Marshall and Dwight Eisenhower did.
  10. The Imperial Japanese Army went this route in WWII. They were euphemistically named ‘comfort girls’. That decision did not age well.
  11. Drafted for scheme fit? Special purpose pick to improve run game, spring CMC for large gains?
  12. Christensen is a starting LG. With time and coaching, he may be a starting LT. Maybe...
  13. Christensen may ultimately be a starter at G, but that’s still a win for a third round pick. If he becomes a competent starting LT, all hail Fitterer and the coaching staff.
  14. Why, yes, I am. Thanks for asking.
  15. You forgot Top Cats and Marketing intern...
  16. Don’t convict the son for the sins of the father...
  17. The image that came to my mind was the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, from Ghostbusters
  18. I was going to say Special Teams fodder but... potato, poTAto
  19. Not disputing you. Who would that best left tackle be?
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