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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Perhaps not starting game one, but by end of this season, hell yah! Do it Rhule.
  2. I think I dated her in high school...
  3. Wise you are in the ways of the Force
  4. 0-4. I have been assured by the Huddle's leading lights that we should tank all the games and go for the number one pick next draft. I'm sure Rhule won't make the same mistake twice.
  5. The quality of articles submitted by guest writers declined markedly in the 80's. I mean, that's what I've heard...
  6. Mrs Nbrs reminds me from time to time that my mind is writing checks that my body can’t cash... [sigh]
  7. Someone once said that, “youth is wasted on the young”. I’m not so sure...
  8. Most folks use a backflow preventer to insure that doesn't happen. About $300 on Amazon.
  9. He's not human. He is an X-Man, with the super power to fall on defensive linemen and crush them.
  10. Winston is in a similar situation as Darnold. We’ll see how much of their previous performance problems were coaching and the supporting players around them and how much they ‘own’ themselves. Will be interesting to revisit this at the end of the upcoming season.
  11. So, how much of Wilson’s success was Wilson and how much was Christensen protecting his blind side and giving him a clean pocket to operate from? Is he better than consensus and his draft position would suggest? Can’t recall many third round rookie LT starting week 1.
  12. Had the same thought but I think on a comparative basis, we’ve improved our roster more than the Falcons did this offseason. Will be interesting to see if our W/L record improves more than the Falcons. Rubber meet road.
  13. I think that’s a conversation you have with the player’s agent sometime between the draft and when he signs his contract.
  14. From the root word ‘moderation’, apparently a term you’re not familiar with.
  15. It’s called optimism. Like Cicada, it emerges from hibernation every year around draft time, but only lives until game three of the regular season when reality kills it. They’re harmless.
  16. For the OP, that is an amazing crystal ball you have there. What are your calls on cattle futures, EM debt, real yields and USD?
  17. It’s more of an Avacado than a true green...
  18. Platoon Arnold and Tremble by down and distance? Sure, why not.
  19. Hug the people you love. Tell them that you love them. Often. Tomorrow is promised to no man.
  20. I don't believe you would knowingly traumatize the birds by going commando. "There still is good in you, I can feel it."
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