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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. If he develops into a prime Olsen clone, pay the man and retain him. Arnold and Tremble in two TE sets could be very effective.
  2. Maybe his contribution is on special teams? Gunner?
  3. Edited for clarity. I don't want to violate my terms of parole.
  4. True that. I'm guessing Brady and Ryan are force feeding him film breakdowns on where and when to take the shot on the run. Down, distance, field position and game clock make a big difference on whether you throw it away or 'take a shot'.
  5. Not directed at you specifically but more of a general reminder to all Huddlers, the player we just signed to a lucrative, multi-year contract extension did not start a single game his rookie year. Let’s compare notes again at the end of the season.
  6. An understandable and even admirable character flaw, one that I share.
  7. Alternatively, the talent may be there but perhaps he was not coachable. The fact he was pruned so quickly makes me wonder if something other than talent was the issue. Everyone else passed, we took a flyer on him and he was a bust. This is what you do when you are bargain bin shopping for O-line help. I hope the young man gets it together and gets a second chance somewhere else.
  8. No, dual major Finance and International Economics. But I love the great English, Irish and Welsh writers and poets of the late 1800’s… Yeats, Kipling, Tennyson, Dylan Thomas, Carroll, Chesterton. I’ll also throw in Tolkien and C.S. Lewis, though they are a different century and genre of writing. Finance has shaped my professional career and served me well, but in my free time, I enjoy great writing. So many great writers, so little time. And I am a little jealous of your major.
  9. "It's gotta be the hair, Cotton. Feathered and lethal! You just don't see it nowadays!
  10. Yeah, I was almost ready to break out the paper grocery bag and scissors...
  11. $43M average per year. Does that contract come with claw backs if no Super Bowl championship?
  12. "Jump on his back, jump on his back!"
  13. I wonder if Tom Hanks would sign for vet minimum?
  14. Do you buy a house without an inspection or performing due diligence?
  15. Wise man. Nookie for you tonight or you can bank it for another occasion.
  16. You must be mistaken. I have been assured by highly reliable and knowledgeable Huddle sources that 'the sky is falling'. Recant and seek absolution for your sins.
  17. Maybe Bungals should keep Ja'Marr Chase in the backfield as part of their 'max protect' package on obvious passing downs... /s
  18. Bill, buddy, premature prognostication is treatable…
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