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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Good. There are those rare moments when it is wholly appropriate for a ‘peel the paint off the walls’ ass chewing.
  2. Cool. Another ‘The Sky is Falling’ thread.
  3. Wow. Two very good drafts in back to back years. [Last years’ strong draft must have been Rhule’s influence.] One or two bad contracts to roll off and the Hurney stench may finally be gone from the front office.
  4. If Thomas has realistically assessed his prospects of making the team, he is trembling…
  5. Three false starts in a row on one second half drive. Not a good look…
  6. Is this the plural of ‘being with child’?
  7. “The rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.”
  8. Serendipity is hugely under appreciated…
  9. “That’s a bold strategy, Cotton. Let’s see if it pays off for him.”
  10. “That’s why girl’s don’t play the game, coach.”
  11. It was addressed minimally in the draft with Christenson and Donte Brown. Both may be starters at some point in the future but not necessarily this season. I hold out some hope that Christenson will see playing time this year.
  12. It was about 20 something years ago. She still looks like she has an axe to grind, no pun intended.
  13. If all you get is the side eye, you will sleep much better than the husband of this woman.
  14. “What the hell is water?” David Foster Wallace
  15. I will respectfully disagree. Darnold plus either Sewell or Horn was the low risk decision. Before either steps on the field, you have to allow for the possibility that Fields may bust. Darnold may also bust but in selecting either Sewell or Horn, you have two chips in the game (Darnold +), rather than just one (Fields). And this fits with Fitterer's philosophy of trading down to get more players, which is more opportunities to succeed in the draft. Given the flop rate of first round QB's, choosing Fields is equivalent to pushing all your chips in on your current hand. You will win big or leave the game. I don't think Fitterer or Rhule were willing to risk that outcome. Just my opinion, your mileage may vary.
  16. It was never a choice between Darnold and Fields. It was a choice between Darnold + Horn vs Fields or Darnold + Sewell vs Fields. For a rebuilding team in year 2 of a roster overhaul, that's a no brainer.
  17. Oops. I thought this was the Christensen thread. My bad.
  18. "To everything, churn, churn, churn... "There is a season, churn, churn, churn... " "And a time to every purpose under heaven... "
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