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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Funny, that is what my high school basketball coach used to say to me frequently...
  2. So, no credit for learning from his prior mistakes? That's a pretty high bar that few people can get over...
  3. Yes, but they win games. Lots of them, if you execute well. Baby steps.
  4. Whatever it was, it permeated his sweat. My first thought was beef and garlic…
  5. Love having Ekwonu, Christensen, May and Brown on rookie contracts. Young, lean, hungry and inexpensive. Two more drafts like this will build the line beautifully for the future. This is the way.
  6. True that. Several years ago I was on a nine hour international flight, stuck between a hogmollie sized young man in the middle seat and the bulk head. Due to his size, he ‘over flowed’ the arm rest and about a 1/4 of my own seat. He was sweating profusely throughout the flight and had eaten something pungent before hand. It made the nine hour flight absolutely unbearable. It was the only point in my life where I seriously considered ritual seppuku.
  7. Hogmollies. Two outstanding young men with good attitudes, and ready to get down to business. Give me more, please.
  8. I had hopes for Moore. I was wrong.
  9. Any history majors out there? Beware anyone that claims that are acting ‘for the greater good.’
  10. Somebody in the Raiders organization wants a fresh cut of the deck and a new deal...
  11. Regular prostate exams would have caught this cancer earlier…
  12. … are unfairly maligned. When worn by an attractive women, they can provide both comedic relief and modest arousal… at least, that’s the rumor…
  13. Not to be argumentative, but I still think it is too early to make that definitive a call. He may or may not be that. Given the limited reps and constant position changes, he is Shroedinger's Left Tackle. Only additional playing time will reveal what's in the box. YMMV.
  14. This is the way. Trade back. Draft Pennington and Corral. Darnold starts the opener but later this season, Corral takes over.
  15. Trade back, grab Pennington and Corral. BC and Pennington battle it out in training camp. Win, win.
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