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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. Thank you, much appreciated. I had misplaced my Universal Galactic Translator device. It also needed new AA batteries but, I digress.
  2. [The 49ers and Jets have entered the chat.]
  3. The bridge QB theory is sound but, success or failure is very idiosyncratic to the conditions of each team.
  4. So did the 49ers (Lance) and Bears (Fields), and the jury is still out on Fields. Mega trade ups are high risk, high reward… if you get it right. But it really doesn’t matter what you or I think. It only matters what the Panthers front office thinks about the risk/reward trade off in the upcoming draft. I will give you this. I have more confidence in the new coaching staff to successfully develop whatever QB is taken, in whatever round they select him so, there is some risk reduction in a trade up this year compared to the Rhule years. [Almost made me gag to mention his name.]
  5. And herein lies the risk for going all in to trade up for Young or Stroud. The draft capital destroyed by the Jets, and they were still in QB hell afterwards.
  6. You seem to know a lot about what Carr, his agent and the Panthers front office are thinking and discussing.
  7. Signing Carr and drafting a QB are not mutually exclusive.
  8. This was not possible under Rhule. He didn’t have the league wide relationships, the mutual respect for and of other NFL coaches, or the humility to build a staff like this.
  9. I’d pay to sit quietly in a corner and listen to that conversation.
  10. The most capable QB on the current roster is Reich
  11. This has been the most entertaining off season yet, and we haven’t had the draft or entered FA signing. An interview team that doesn’t leak. Building an elite coaching staff that will perpetuate itself, even as young, promising coaches leave. A HC and position coaches that can actually mentor, teach and develop both rookies and veterans. If the finish is as good as the start, good players will want to sign and play here. Feels like vindication for a fan base that suffered through mediocrity for quite a few seasons.
  12. Dom Capers toupee strikes fear in the hearts of follicly-gifted men. Even Chuck Norris is afraid of it.
  13. Whatever the current coaching staff decides with Sam is fine by me. I have confidence in this staff to make the correct call.
  14. “I felt a great disturbance in the force. As if millions of Darnold skeptics suddenly cried out in terror and were silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”
  15. NT and a true ball hawking FS
  16. My wife knows his wife so, there’s that connection…
  17. Not reboot. Reich performs the Vulcan mind-meld on Darnold.
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