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Everything posted by bythenbrs

  1. PSA For Tepper, an NFL franchise is the equivalent of a vanity license plate. It’s a play toy for him, and he intends to play with it. As fans, we need to adjust our expectations accordingly. It helps to have a well rounded life of other interests, so that your personal happiness doesn’t rise and fall with this team’s won/loss record.
  2. Do Bryce’s struggles to date become an impediment to hiring a hot, young OC wunderkind? When you say that Tepper is a detriment, should we be honest and consider that Bryce may be a negative factor in the calculus of a future HC candidate? For that matter, no offensive weapons to speak of, an OL in tatters, limited draft capital in the next two years. This is the thought process that any ‘turn around situation’ manager has to assess before they accept a job offer. What is the probability that I can meet the boards’ expectations in the given time frame? Yikes!
  3. With a front row seat to this train wreck, are sure that Evero would take it?
  4. Keep a positive attitude. I have faith that Tepper will absolutely not make a good hire.
  5. As I posted in another thread, this is a mercy killing…
  6. A ‘2 handicap’ in golf is decent. He may have a future in the PGA?
  7. We’ve entered a parallel universe, where the Huddle waxes longingly for the return of Jerry Richardson and Sam Darnold…
  8. At this point, it would be considered a ‘mercy killing’…
  9. This. Been arguing that they should flip positions, which plays to both their strengths.
  10. Woulda, coulda, shoulda. We could have kept Sam Darnold or PJ Walker, had the same damn record and our future draft picks.
  11. Shouldn’t we fix the o-line first? I know this is the proverbial ‘which came first, the chicken or the egg’ question but, Bryce has to remain upright long enough to throw to our shiny, new WR, in whatever round he is drafted.
  12. From this thread, it looks like the Huddle has moved from 'anger' to 'negotiation' on the Kubler-Ross Stages of Grief. That's progress of a sort.
  13. We already drafted him and were playing him at LG. When healthy, move BC to LT and Ickey to LG. That would be serviceable.
  14. As long as she’s wearing a red dress…
  15. “There are three kinds of falsehoods: lies, damnable lies and statistics.”
  16. That is a pretty big assumption with no evidence thus far to back it up... IF Tepper brought in an NFL grade consultant with autonomy, I would change my mind. I see no evidence to date that will happen, and plenty of evidence to date that it likely will not. YMMV
  17. If Reich is fired after one season, no coach you would want to hire would come here without offering him ‘generational’ contract money. Dan Snyder 2.0 but without hair.
  18. We should trade for him in the off season. We can fix him. It’s what we do…
  19. This is why the ‘go get your guy at any cost’ draft strategy is high risk. If you are wrong…
  20. If we had stuck with Darnold, we might or might not have the same won/loss record, but we’d still have our draft picks and DJ Moore. This is why ‘go get your guy at any cost’ is such a risky draft strategy. Bryce may yet grow into a starting caliber NFL quarterback but we paid a fearsome price for what we are watching today. Tepper of all people should understand risk management.
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