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  1. I heard rumors it was Sir Purr. Purr mostly got it right with the Top Cats uniforms…
  2. Great point about ‘color inside the lines’. Truth be told, I think most HC’s prefer the game manager to the gunslinger. A gunslinger is more prone to go ‘off script’.
  3. Thielen is a warm security blanket for any Panther QB. He catches the ball when thrown to him and moves the chains. When it’s third and 7, he’s money good. [How are you going to evaluate what you have on offense when the team is perpetually three and out?]
  4. Who doesn’t enjoy a deep ball… [Shameless Dodge Ball reference]
  5. Yes, but it is a completely new, novel justification for his sucking. Try to keep up. /s
  6. Maybe go back and re-read (very slowly) what I wrote?
  7. Believing in yourself falls in the category of ‘necessary but not sufficient’. Eventually your performance must convince others…
  8. David Tepper releases a brief statement to the press after Bryce Young is benched:
  9. Bryce continues to start (and self destruct) until Tepper reaches peak embarrassment. When peak embarrassment is greater then Tepper’s ego, then and only then will Bryce be benched. There are parallels in the corporate world; the inability to admit you were wrong. Seen it before.
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