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  1. Truly curious. Would you take him at 8 and if yes, what other players would have to be off the board to make you take him? I have wavered back and forth on what players I would take him ahead of at 8.
  2. There's underwear fast and then there is game day fast. Are we sure that he is game day fast? Pro day 40's can be charitable to players.
  3. If he can become a light beer version of Star, I'd seriously consider him. Star was underappreciated for what he was; a space eater that kept OL players off of Luke, so that Luke could make great plays
  4. ‘B’; Golden is the speed and YAC guy missing on the roster. That said, I’m concerned he may be a little small to body up with bigger corners.
  5. You were doing so well up to that point…
  6. Dog vomit was the phrase I was thinking of but, booth cheeks works, too.
  7. Suggests Morgan thinks the problem was more roster than Evero or his staff?
  8. I'm not comfortable trading back farther than 12-16. We should still have our pick of really good DL and Edge.
  9. (1) DT/NT, (2) Edge, but two of the three should be starter capable their rookie year, one for development
  10. If he’s available late day 2 (probably not), I’d do it…
  11. Cam could have learned an invaluable life lesson from Thumper’s father… Thumper’s Mother: “Thumper, what did your Father teach you?” Thumper: “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say nothin’ at all.”
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