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  1. Say ‘juggs’ without actually saying the word ‘juggs’
  2. But we were assured that you must ‘go get your guy’. I hope this trope now dies the painful death it deserves.
  3. Panthers 2024 MVP should be shared between Hubbard and the juggs machine he has been practicing with.
  4. I love Graham as our pick but, I am so conflicted with the possibility of T-Mac as the ‘throw it up and he’ll go get it’ contested catch option for Bryce. [Why shouldn’t the Panthers have their own version of Mike Evans? Why shouldn’t we have nice things, too?] I don’t think we could go wrong with either but, if we do skip defense in round 1, we need to go defense the rest of the draft, especially front seven positions. This is a great dilemma to be in, win-win with either pick.
  5. Didn’t he have a top rated TV talk show for about 15 years?
  6. “Now, this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”
  7. Falcon fan tears are delicious and nutritious...
  8. I confess that I had thrown in the towel on Bryce after the second game; I didn’t think he was salvageable. I have never been happier to be proven wrong. Kudos to Bryce for hanging in there and getting some redemption and recognition.
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