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Posts posted by MillionDollarCam

  1. 7 minutes ago, BlackPanther21_ said:

    I think the plan is to only have him play in back to back situations, otherwise it's Freddie's net until it isn't.

    Think you are right about this.

    It’s kind of telling that RBA won’t let Raanta face his former team even with how bad they are.

    Freddie played 52 games with Toronto last year, if things go as planned, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Freddie get 60 games and Raanta get 22.

    • Pie 2
  2. 6 minutes ago, Harbingers said:

    No skate or presser today and no other roster move so far, and I assume no morning skate tomorrow. We can only assume Jarvis will be covering for Nino and Raanta will probably be back in net. 

    Im kinda split on tossing Jarvis on 3rd line or putting up Marty or Lorentz. We know what we are gonna get from Marty, so seeing Lorentz or Jarvis up there might be the way to go. 

    I think Marty gets bumped up personally.

    The Staal line is used as the checking line so Marty’s game fits in well there.

    • Pie 1
  3. I really wouldn’t even call this a third chance.

    His second chance was due to his past racist and abusive history towards players and officials (which is completely unacceptable)… the most recent example of this would be when he was suspended for verbally abusing an official in 2016 when he was with Arizona (no other incidents since).

    His political views and tweets are a non-issue to me. Freedom of speech is still a thing and while his social media presence was controversial to say the least, I’d say a true sports fan would care more about the team succeeding than some players political views. Personally I don’t care who our players support, American politics are poo and they make everyone look like as ass anyway so why let it bother me…

    Also a non-issue is the ‘fight’ between TDA and Georgiev. This literally happens all the time in professional sports, a lot of the altercations don’t make it out to the public but some do. Hell, our (Panthers) star quarterback beat the poo out of star cornerback in practice…

    The only issue I have is with how he treats people. My number one rule is don’t be a dick and from what it sounds like he’s headed down the right path for now. I hope he keeps it up.

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