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Everything posted by neverlosethefeeling

  1. didn't those used to be ur avatar?

  2. When it comes to the final vote though, it might take a little more than those floppy sons'o'bitches you just put on my wall. And yeah, like I'd give Saltman my vote. Fug that guy

  3. I voted for you when the poll first opened

  4. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to The Saltman again. Ur such a shithead

  5. How's taco feeling? Any better?

  6. hahahaha we only have 1 holiday that we fast on... Tisha B'Av and that's just for 1 day til sundown. most of our other holidays revolve around food. like for Rosh Hashanah you dip apples in honey and eat them and then hanukkah=potato pancakes and passover=passover sedar my buddy was hurting from not being able to smoke ******

  7. lol i know I'm just messing with you. thanks... did you see last night during the football game that Abdullah guy or whatever for the Vikes went through all of training camp fasting for Ramadan? Aren't you not allowed to smoke ****** either? I'm goin to smoke ****** w/ one of my old roommates tonight now that Ramadan is over

  8. And for the record you whiny little bitch I didn't use any alter egos in the poll

  9. I figured it was a shot in the dark... but I was just doing a mock draft and someone on there was named Hawk

  10. Are you doing a mock fantasy draft on Yahoo right now?

  11. This is where I pretend like you didn't say anything

  12. What Dockery said below me sounds ghey. He wants to give it to the saltman.

  13. They not teach you how to read in bangladesh? lol it's all good dude

  14. The post you made in the "Actually, we're all illegal immigrations..." thread. Saltman said he resented my remark and you fixed it to say he resembled it :) I rep people a fair amount. At least how I see fit.. I'll try and hit ya back later

  15. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to KING KLONG again.

  16. I knew that was you with the Rey Mysterio mask and water wings on.

  17. you were born a broad? I didn't know you were a tranny.

  18. Lol dude... I'm calling INS on your ass.

  19. Did you know Spanish before you went to Spain? As far as foreign languages go I'm just worried going to another country, besides Germany because that's the language I know, that it would be too difficult. I have a friend in Madrid and she loves Spain...can't stop talking about it.

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