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  1. I get your point. This is a message board not a board room. I agree he's not been good. But the reason why weighs heavy on whether you should keep him rostered or not. If you truly believe he's irredeemable, cut bait and conserve what you can. However, I don't think most nfl personnel look at Bryce Young as irredeemable. On top of that, Canales was hired at least in part to develop the kid. Let him see what he can do without the pressure while a vet helms the team.
  2. Appreciate these posts Jackie Lee as I've watched every one of these breakdowns since you started doing them about BY. It's typically 17 minutes of solid analysis and then 2-3 where you wonder if Adam Thielen fuged his wife.
  3. He seems to be a well-liked, humble locker-room presence. If he's not a problem, what's the need to evict immediately? Why not let him develop under Canales without the pressure of being the figurehead. He was benched because he wasn't performing baseline NFL QB tasks. Pre-snap he was seeing ghosts and post-snap not even bothering with progressions. Even when "creating" outside the pocket, he failed to execute baseline NFL throws. The kid looked rattled. It's a combination of the actual hits, the media hits and his own personal frustration with failure. That said, the narrative that he doesn't have the physical talent to play in the NFL is incomplete. Yes, he lacks physical talent when compared to the elite of the elite, but his size and arm strength are not reasons he can never be successful in the NFL. They just can't bail him out. The problem has been the lack of decisiveness. That's why you see him drifting backwards on his tip toes, constantly re-setting his feet rather than taking a conventional drop. You're never gonna get the velocity when constantly throwing off your back foot. The mediocrity of his physical talent only compounds the issue. We gain very little by getting rid of him, especially in comparison to what we paid. His value will never be lower. Maybe some time out of the spotlight will help upgrade the Pentium Pro to at least a Sky Lake. Matt Cassell went for a 34th overall pick. Sam Darnold just threw 4 touchdowns in Minny for a 3-0 team. Hell, the 36 Y.O. Red Rifle has the media in a tizzy trying to learn the names of Panther's players to explain why the Raiders got molly-whopped. Maybe Canales is a QB whisperer. Maybe he can turn BY into an asset of greater value. We've already paid the cost.
  4. The history there would be my concern. I’d need to do a deep dive into what broke down. Say you nail an extension now at 3 years, 18 million per year. If you expect him to perform as 1b-2a for the duration, that’s a decent discount. In consideration and accounting for “inflation”, you take on the uncertainty of how he’ll perform in our system and he gets security. We win there if he outperforms the contract but plays it out. That last part gives me pause. If he balls out, would he ride out an undervalued contract going into his 30’s?
  5. Kid is only 20 years old. Without the ACL, he’s probably a first rounder. If he’s goes back to school another year, that’s probably the case as well. Instead, he came out this year while the competition at the position was weak and he ended up being the first RB anyway. Even if he didn’t play at all this year, that’s essentially swapping the mid-second we used on him for the future first he would have been. Put in that context, give him all the time he needs. This year should be about developing him into a complete nfl-level back.
  6. It was both literally and figuratively a parade of horribles. 1) Glut of coaching “talent” with designs that didn’t match the personnel and didn’t mesh with each other. 2) An o-line I’ll-fitted for the scheme on the interior. Injuries compounded this critical weakness. Penetration on runs completely negated whatever zone dominance we tried to establish. 3) Lack of separation by the WR’s. A lack of speed and separation and filling the right roles led to some pretty embarrassing looks. We couldn’t win on multiple levels and it repeatedly trickled down. Also look to (2) because interior pass rush often limited the time for routes to develop. 4) Rookie qb with an average arm but degenerative mechanics. Those railing about arm strength are off. He can sling it with a solid base, and the time of release is plus. 5) as the season wore on, we saw more bailing on the pocket, more dancing, more tip toes . Which isn’t that weird given (1)-(3). Finally, CJ had one of the best seasons ever for a rookie qb and we missed the pick. It has no bearing whatsoever on whether Bryce Young can be a successful NFL QB. I’ll say this: if the kid does rebound and proves himself, that’s the gamer you want leading your team.
  7. They approximate “styles” and even then it’s often lazy giving a general concept. The nuances of many schemes they leave to the “player adjustments” aspect which itself is a limited remedy. Things like motion are where it can break the game and end up being weird locked in routes. Defense is horribly neglected. it’s not a horrible product but as a yearly consumer it’s perpetually disappointing. The online play still suffers from certain glitches that are 10 years old
  8. Worth watching. Netflix (and Brady) seem to have let them take the gloves off a bit and they take their shots. Some pretty good surprise appearances for football fans as well that I won’t spoil.
  9. Go get Gilmore. Let him bring the young guys along. Profit.
  10. Yep, 4 seconds and forty yards is forever for most nfl plays. Tenths of seconds of difference in the 40 tell only part of the story (and it seems like always an overblown part this time of year). Someone posted a video earlier in the week that mentioned that there’s only been 1 1,000 yard receiver (Santana moss) out of the last top 20 or so 40 times.
  11. Not elite speed, but has the footwork to keep up. Captain was a 4.51. The more I watch the more it seems like the comparison might fit. Technically sound, great feet. Punches above his weight at the line and can tackle. Go watch a few videos and you’ll like what you see. Size is the obvious reason for his fall.
  12. Sounds like some Captain Munnerlyn to his game potentially. I’ll take that value and trust Evero’s assessment this late.
  13. Is he? He’s 6 ‘ 4’’, 245, and you’ll typically be adding some weight coming into the nfl as a TE. The hands and strength through the catch really stand out. I guess the 4.69 forty is slower than expected but it’s not awful. Kelce was 4.61 and Andrews 4.67 and the guy seems to play faster than the time.
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