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  1. Sick burn? I never said they were all great moves man lol. The FA run between 2012-2016 was enough to drive a man crazy lol.
  2. I don’t believe that’s what’s going on. Obviously, if he’s meeting with them he’s open to waiving the NTC, depending on the meeting. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be meeting with them. These meetings, imo, are for him to figure out who he wants to waive the clause for. I didn’t realize there were still folks that just thought the Saints stuff was smoke and mirrors lol. Just because you choose to be willfully ignorant about HOW they can make it work doesn’t mean that they can’t. Youve been pointed in the direction of articles that can help you understand how, in this very thread. You choose not to look. The saints can get to around $20 mil in cap space without cutting a single player. They can get to over $30 mil by extending Armstead, but I’m not sure they want to do that because of the constant injuries. They can very easily work out an extension with Watson, that lowers that $35 million cap hit this year, to something more manageable. It’s real simple poo man. They’ve created $70 mil the last few days and haven’t cut anyone. Saints do what they want to get who they want time and time again.
  3. Anybody associated with Texans will say that because Carolina can unequivocally put together the best package lol.
  4. Working and just kind of threw that list together but 100% agree. Adebo is a large piece.
  5. My guy, I couldn’t tell you the last time I visited that address. You mean like Onyematta? Davenport? Payton Turner? CGJ? Eric McCoy? Caesar Ruiz? Listen, I get keeping up with more than just one NFL team is tough, but the Saints roster is one of the best in football. I will 100% say I think the Panthers have the ability to put together a better deal for the Texans. The ability to include the #6 pick as well as Burns and Chinn can beat most packages the Saints would be comfortable putting together imo. I get that. Problem is, this isn’t a bidding war. As I said, I don’t think he’s meeting with teams who the Texans wouldn’t take an offer from. He’s gonna meet with the Panthers and with the Saints possibly others because the trade offer is to their liking, imo.
  6. I been . No idea how this is all gonna end up. Although the “Saints could never make this work cap wise” and “idk why he’d choose the Saints over us” comments are fantastic lol. Panthers have won 15 games in the last 49. Saints won 9 games last year with 4 different starting QBs. How I think this all will work, and this is just my guess because I’m not going to pretend like I have any idea what goes on in those buildings. I think the Texans have fielded offers. I’m sure they have a list of offers they would accept/begin negotiations from. I think Watson and his team were probably notified of said offers, and he’s able to get together the list of teams he’d be willing to meet with out of that group. I don’t see Watson meeting with teams who have offers on the table the Texans wouldn’t accept and I also don’t see him wasting time if it’s not a destination he’d want to end up in. I think it will all come down to who sells him the best. Where he feels like he has the best chance to win/make money. I think he makes the decision and says I’ll waive my NTC for “team x” because him telling the Texans he’ll waive it for a group of teams only starts a bidding war that depletes his next team. That doesn’t help him.
  7. Steal of the draft so far, imo. WR4. Good pick. Marshall is a baller.
  8. Saints came out with a ton of emtotion and the Panthers made a few mistakes. Close game. I expect the better team to take over in the second half. Good game so far fellas!
  9. To be fair, Mr. Igo, Drew was injured for the better part of the game against the Bucs. Couldn't get the ball further than about 15 yards downfield, even that was a struggle. Luke Mccown last week was much better than the injured Drew the week before.
  10. Dropping in to say good luck fellas! Panthers should walk with this. Gonna suffer through it anyway, long as this system doesn't take out my TV. Here's to an injury free affair on both sides! See yall after the game!
  11. I'm just a glutton for punishment, I guess. And I like SCPs Port-a-Potty tales.
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