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Cookie Lyon

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Everything posted by Cookie Lyon

  1. We all know Favre and Vermeil won't have a word to say about this though.
  2. I saw a GoFundMe page that's being circulated for the critically injured child's medical bills. I don't know if it's a legit page as of yet though. Hopefully, it is real.
  3. It's still a double standard. If he wasn't Andy Reid's son, he would be cuffed to the bed until he's recovered from his injuries. Also, he's been charged with a DUI before.
  4. Very sad situation and I hope the children make a full recovery. Britt Reid should be ashamed of himself for driving drunk and causing harm to others. Why hasn't he been arrested yet? I find it funny that the ESPN reporters are going out of their way to not highlight that he was driving drunk, but if he was a player, they would make sure to put that fact in the headlines.
  5. What an awful press conference. He's not bright at all. It's ridiculous that he even got the job.
  6. If Watson does ask Cam about the Panthers, I'm sure he's going to be salty when explaining to him about how things went down with Tepper, but he ultimately will let Watson be the judge.
  7. They really hired a 65 year old Black coach to try to spin it once news broke that Deshaun Watson requested a trade, which the Texans knew about weeks ago according to Adam Schefter. We're not falling for the okie doke. Come on over to the Panthers, Deshaun!!!
  8. It seems like every other day on the local news in my area, parents are complaining about remote learning. The majority of the complaints are nonsensical. They usually turn into trying to guilt the teachers to basically risk their lives for in-person learning with no plan in sight of when teachers and staff will be vaccinated. It just seems like most school districts are in a rush to bring everyone back in-person because they think the teachers are "getting off easy" with remote learning when that's not the case at all. Yes, there are some slack teachers out there, but the majority of teachers are actually working hard and trying to make a difference in these students lives. My boyfriend, who is a teacher, isn't a fan of remote learning, but he tries his best to make sure his students are actually learning. Hopefully, everyone can be vaccinated as soon as possible and things can get back to normal.
  9. Not buying this report. Deshaun Watson will be a Carolina Panther. *speaking it into existence*
  10. The Panthers should do whatever it takes to get Watson because Teddy ain't it.
  11. It's insane that Hurney gets a third chance at being a GM, while some folks can't even get the job.
  12. I bet Trump has the Coronavirus. That stupid bastard keeps holding press conferences and shaking people's hands. He doesn't care that he's putting others at risk. Trump admitted today that he took the test and is awaiting the results. If it comes back positive, I highly doubt he will admit that he's infected.
  13. Wow! We have the same birthday except I was born in 1989. No joke.

    1. London Loves Luke

      London Loves Luke

      Pretty sure that means we have a psychic connection or something. I do feel like a fierce American woman sometimes...

      Congrats on having an awesome birthday.

    2. Cookie Lyon

      Cookie Lyon


      Congrats to you as well! 


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