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Cookie Lyon

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About Cookie Lyon

  • Birthday 06/22/1989


  • Favorite NFL Team
    Carolina Panthers

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  1. I'm in shock. I thought for sure Kuechly would make it, but I think he will get in next year. I had a feeling they were going to snub Smitty as well.
  2. It's truly sad to see Tepper be petty like this towards Cam. To not even have a photo up of Cam in the stadium is beyond ridiculous.
  3. Proud of Cam, however I'm not a fan of the show. I will tune in to see what Cam will have to say. I know Kimberley A. Martin is pissed with her hating @$$
  4. Cam stood on business and handled those fools. They're lucky that Cam is even providing them with an opportunity to attend his camp, which is something he does not have to do.
  5. This is unfair. Shanahan didn't even have the team prepared to make sure they knew the OT rules. How is that Wilks fault?
  6. I knew his fine wasn't going to be much of anything. He's rich so it's not going to phase him anyway. Big bald headed bastard.
  7. Tepper is still going to continue to run this franchise in the ground. I’m glad Reich is gone, but this team should’ve been sold to that Charleston businessman, Ben Navarro.
  8. This won't change anything. Tepper and this franchise are a hot mess.
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