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Everything posted by ColumbusCounty

  1. Chinn played 392 in the box as a linebacker or strong safety, 230 snaps at slot cornerback, and 237 snaps at free safety. (Rookie Year) -Pro Football Focus
  2. Didnt he go back to campus to be one of the receivers for Howell at his pro day? Obviously we saw something we liked. Is Howell apart of that vision is the real question.
  3. In that regard, I feel for Robbie and DJ. DJ's dealt with bad QB play for 80% of the last decade...and that's conservative. That's also wild to me. Testament to his ability. Robbie goes a year without Darnold and puts up 1k yards. Sam comes back, Robbie goes back in the bushes.
  4. Idunno how much stock anyone is to put is PFF. But FWIW, Cross: 86.7 Ickey: 91.6 Neal: 85.8 Lastly, Christensen broke the PFF record for overall grade by a tackle at 96.0 Keep in mind Greg Little was 75.8 and All-SEC. As far as me, even if Brady is in our plans at LT, after the years we've had to endure previously, I'd make sure LT was no longer a problem for this franchise going forward. LT at 6.
  5. The wildcards/variables in this equation: Tepper: The World knows he's looking for a QB. The Pittsburg ties line up perfectly. Rhule's desperation: Self explanatory. Pickett is the top name on his draft board. The former recruitment doesn't hurt KP's chances either. Mcadoo: If we dont make a move for a vet, I'm not sure he's sold on Darnold or PJ. Go back to the Pro Day footage and look at his eyes lol (specifically for Willis iirc). The Saints: Wouldn't be shocked if they jumped us for OT. Option A and B of the original post could be off the board by our pick. And hypothetically speaking in that scenario that would leave us at Cross, Pickett, Willis, Penning, Dline or trade down. I'd take Cross in that instance but I'm far from a GM. Side note: Duane Brown still has our offer on the table. And That's why I love the draft. Sucks to only have 1 pick in the first two days though. I could see this FO attempting to offset the lost with a large number of UDFA signings. If we have the roster space.
  6. I've been mentioning this guy the past three months. Hell of an arm.
  7. Wouldnt be upset at all if we picked him up in the 5th or 6th. His special team ability alone would justify the pick. We'd have our KR/PR position checked off AND we'd have a corner with actual hands and speed covering the slot along with an emergency WR if needed. Actually seems like the exact Rhule pick with his versatility....i.e Myles Hartsfield.
  8. James Campen .... He might single handedly be the best acquisition we made this offseason. Long overdue upgrade and I'm actually excited to see what he can do with the players we have on this roster. Now I could see a new coach(primarily a college coach) bringing in his buddies for familiarity reasons. Only as assistant coaches at this level though. In reality EVERY primary position coach in this organization should be of Campen's caliber. Then again all that NFL experience might have been a little too threatening to "the process" in the beginning. I gotta say though if they flew Campen out to look at a round 2-3 center, maybe we are looking for a trade back solution from 6. Or maybe we're just doing all our due diligence. It's just hard for me to picture Rhule, Fitt and Tepper sitting patiently in our war room after pick 6 just waiting until the fourth round. If Neal is there and we pass I'd probably break the TV.
  9. I remember when we first signed him and going off that highlight tape I actually thought he'd become our next Mike Mitchell. Gotta admit I still miss that aggressiveness. Seems like something clicked at some point for him to still be in the league.
  10. Still baffled how the offense only looks damn near untouchable on its first series. I know the plays are scripted but smdh. Same for the Defense. Not nearly as bad as their counterparts though. Iirc we went the whole season without a TD scored on our D during the first drive. Most teams lose because they dont know why they lost...No I think we all know why we lost..I'd like to know if we still don't practice redzone drills and who thought that was a bright idea. Really hope we've since changed that. On another note: Our oline was soft. Our WR's had issues focusing. Our QB had happy feet which overtime increased his dropbacks speed throwing the whole offense out of sync. Our Defense is passable but they stayed on the field too long. We sacrificed power for speed. Keep it simple: We got outmatched physically and outcoached mentally.
  11. Pretty sure Cam previously served as a mentor to Watson and Willis in some capacity. Hell, Willis played on Cam's 7 on 7 team, spent three years at Cam's highschool, and went to Auburn. Why do you assume Cam couldnt/wouldnt be a mentor? Lol. "What's he gonna teach Pickett?". Well let's not forget he is a former NFL MVP, Offensive Rookie of the Year, 3x Pro Bowler and former All-Pro. With a list of accolades that would look like a book of contents page. X's and O's...He's literally top 50 in NFL HISTORY in PASSING yards. And that's with Sam Darnold-esque offensive lines and a list of receivers that included Funchess, Benjamin, Kaelin Clay, Damiere Byrd, Brandon Lafell, David Gettis, Ted Ginn Jr., and Philly Brown.... let that sink in. He might not be prime Cam at the moment but he earned his respect over here.
  12. I forgot Duke Johnson was still in the league. He would have been a great pickup here to split touches. However, I'm still feeling good about Foreman. And even with the offseason moves, I can easily see the Commanders or the Bills selecting this guy. Even the Chiefs perhaps.
  13. Only thing that concerns me is the 1 year deal for Bozeman. Wish we could have locked him up for a minimum of 2. Seems like we're going all in again. All we need now is LT and it's almost guaranteed were going QB in the draft. Unless McAdoo sees something in Darnold. I just hope KP isn't the pick. It's a lateral move...imo he puts me in the mind of Darnold. Thing is you never know with the draft. We could end up drafting the #1 DI, #1 WR, or #1MLB. The cards just point to KP or Willis. Bad year to need a QB ar 6 via the draft.
  14. Two moves could have made this damn near perfect for me... Starting SS: Which would have moved Chinn back to LB. Woods is a good pickup but imo he was brought here to be the SS. I still hate the idea of Chinn being a FS. Hell, if your going to force arguably the DROY at LB to S atleast play him at SS. Too much talent not to play him as close to the LOS as possible. The man had two defensive TD's on consecutive plays for God's sake. Starting LT: Still don't know if Brady is the plan or we've got somebody in mind in FA. Worst case he's the backup swing tackle. LG is still open but we can manage via the best at camp. With our new Oline coach I wouldnt be suprised if Brown finally got his spot solidified. With those moves we could basically follow last years strategy. Trade back and BPA the entire 7 rounds. Rhule could take the pick at 6 but there's no way in hell we dont look to get back into the 2-3 rounds..I dont think he even has the discipline to sit through 100+ picks without the gears in his head spinning. Even if that meant giving up next years picks to do so Add in: Throw Cam in there and we might actually have something.
  15. Side note: He might wanna take McAdoo's advice on QB considering his track record at draft time. If that's the case, I have zero problems taking a QB. Although I'd prefer next years talent pool over this one. If the pick is strictly Rhule's perspective @ qb then I'd worry.
  16. Chinn needs to go back to lb ...fairly obvious to everyone at this point.
  17. He started off the year on fire... 6.5 sacks in our first 5 games. Back end...not so much. I believe he had 4.5 sacks in our last 12 games. And while's he's still relatively young he's also approaching his 30's. I think we're moving forward and looking at filling that void with YGM, Fox, and/or Luvu. Outside chance that Darryl Johnson Jr (traded our 6th for) or Joe Jackson emerges but another option would be resigning Marquis Haynes but we're trying to get bigger upfront so that might be out of the question entirely. However in terms of getting after the QB he's probably third behind Reddick and Burns.
  18. We traded in speed for power which is why we had trouble trying to stop the run. Gross Matos-Brown-NT-Burns Chinn - Shaq - Luvu Horn - Bouye Kenny Robinson - SS Subtracting Carter Jr alone should improve our run defense. Bringing Chinn back down and starting Luvu also adds another dimension we didn't have last season. Bouye and Robinson both play with a certain temperament that I believe is always needed on a D (Luvu also). And Horn coming back 100% again makes us better. We do need to find a starting caliber NT and SS. All that said, the defense is the least of our problems.
  19. If we are talking run defense then YGM is arguably our best DE. He reminds me so much of Hardy it's scary. Hopefully he can take the same leap he did in his 3rd year. And that's the thing, coming out of college Derrick Brown and YGM were damn near elite in run defense iirc. I still think they can grow into that role on the Panthers though. It just doesn't help that we have questionable coaches tasked with helping them develop. Btw, didnt we trade away one of our picks to the Bill's for a DE????? ... wth happened to that guy? We signed him and only activated him at practice? I must remind myself the process is working. 5-7 year plan...smdh
  20. You kno what bro... I wouldnt b too mad about Minshew. I actually think we could overachieve with that option. Just dont kno what we'd be willing to give up for him. Easy equation if you factor in our defense. Bring someone in who is capable of putting up 23-28 points a game and keep him protected. Darnold last year alone threw more interceptions than Minshew has in his entire career combined. Startling side note I just found out: Since Sam has come into the NFL his td/int numbers are literally 54/52. 26/13 his last year of college. 31/9 his freshman year though. He needs to talk back into that. Asap. Pickett though... I get the impression he's going to suffer from the same thing that plagues Darnold. Turnovers.
  21. Already knew this was obvious, still its just sobering to see. Even worse is the fact that that's been glaring problem damn near the last half decade. Just looking at the list of left tackles we've fielded since Gross left is crazy. (Save Oher and Okung)
  22. Yup I feel it, Paradis is coming back.
  23. He would scare the hell outta me as a full time RB. I can tell he's really hates getting hit cleanly..then again who doesn't?.. but not being funny but everytime he gets hit I hold my breath while he's getting up/recovering. I cant question his toughness but his durability in that situation would keep me on edge. On the other side, maybe he would have broke out of that if he had more time to focus on that one position and get his mind right for it. Might have been Jonathan Stewart 2.0. I will say he has most of the skillset needed.
  24. 2017...replace with DJ Moore we win that game and possibly the next one. How could I forget Funchess losing the game winning catch in the lights...or the missed FGs...or the Clay drop in the endzone(iirc)....lol really wasnt meant for us to win that game. Just goes to show just how much of a beast Cam was in his prime. He carried that offense. As for this thread, DJ is going to get PAID. Underappreciated for sure. Fact: In seven years (4 NFL - 3 NCAA) DJ has put up consistent yardage despite having 15 different QBs. (7 NFL - 8 NCAA). Lol, everywhere he goes the qb's carousel. The only thing holding him back from more notoriety is his lack of touchdowns. Even in college he never passed double digit TD's. Strange trends.
  25. Scary part is, there is always a chance Rhule brings Bridgewater back. Lol And if he doesn't our QB comes down to Sam, Trubisky, Cam, Cousins, Fitzpatrick, Taylor, Winston, Pickett and/or Willis. Side note: (I said few weeks back I'd prefer Strong in the later rounds for development) Watson is not coming here...add in the likes of Wilson and Rodgers. But atleast we have Mcadoo to help with evaluations. So we go into the offseason with an embarrased owner, a GM who doesnt have the final roster say, a high school coach on the hotseat, 60% of a Oline needed, no consistent QB, 20+ mil in cap and one draft pick in the top 150. Yea this will be wildly interesting. If we do somehow make the playoffs with our projected schedule then Rhule is indeed a damn wizard.
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