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Everything posted by uncfan888

  1. This hardy saga has been so hilarious.. people acting like its the end of the world if he isn't resigned
  2. What is Igo going to do without all of this traffic Greg hardy brings to the forum? Haha. These threads do major numbers
  3. This USC paranoia that so many people have is hilarious
  4. That spokesman is an idiot. He may have been paid, but going on the exempt list was still a form of discipline. Hardy will ask to be reinstated from the exempt list.. and probably get suspended two games
  5. based off what I've seen from him on social media, he handled it as I expected he would
  6. There is no backing down from this. If he's falsely using his mother's death to sling mud, his word will never hold weight again.
  7. Yeah, it definitely does. Apparently everyone knew he was going to be released except for him
  8. Jeremy, I'd like to know how the Panthers reached out to him.. the extent of what they did. Cuz they went to CJ's grandmother's funeral so I would hope that they could make it to deangelo's mom's. Something is weird here.
  9. lots of small weenies on this forum.... but the only thing that really matters is what the ladies chose haha
  10. Come on back, Ginn... we need you in the return game. We know you fumbled that ball on purpose in the playoffs cuz you like us better than Arizona
  11. My urine cant turn things gold, but it can turn them yellow. Close enough
  12. We have all of that now except for the left tackle and the hard hitting safety
  13. I agree that it's a team game. But you can't let two great talents at two of the most important positions in the game walk. Let me ask you this then... What do you want us to do? Cuz you said to pay them, but then you likened that to having Marty Hurney back.
  14. You have to do what you have to do. You can't let a franchise quarterback and the best linebacker in the league walk. If you think they absolutely have to be paid, then that means that we have to accept the fact that they're going to be paid a hell of a lot
  15. I don't understand why everyone is so shocked about this. We knew what Cam would most likely cost, and we're going to give it to him. Same with Luke.
  16. If he's there when we pick in the second, gettleman would be insane to not pick him. He won't be though.
  17. No winner yet? This thing is taking longer than the Baseketball playoffs...
  18. Godwin's Law (or Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies)[1][2] is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1" http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law
  19. actually, yeah.. RoaringRiot should be a mod too. Him and Mr. Scot
  20. nah, you'd be a great mod. You know the team well and contribute a lot to the site. It's basically just that and dropping the ban hammer where applicable
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