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About uncfan888

  • Birthday 09/07/1983

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  1. What a terrible time for his O line to poo the bed
  2. He held that ball nearly seven seconds on that last sack
  3. Two good catches on two ugly passes
  4. He's under pressure cuz he's holding the ball forever
  5. Welp.. Time to watch something else
  6. Darnold is falling apart. Get the ball out bro
  7. Damn... Was hoping this game wouldn't go this way
  8. Darnold really falling apart these last two games.. Hope he doesn't waste a 14-2 start to a season
  9. His momma named him Bryce, Ima call him Bryce Edit: completely wrong thread haha
  10. Russell will start throwing the ball to the other team like Herbert did.. Try to speed things along
  11. Steelers are so ass it doesn't even matter
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