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About exactlyzack

  • Birthday 09/08/1994

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  1. That fuggin throw. They had 10 men on the field too.
  2. Darnold just threw his 3rd touchdown. Good for him. They are looking good.
  3. New Englands offensive line is absolutely horrendous. Meanwhile the Jets are doing basically what they want with the Pats.
  4. This is one thing I’ve been pleasantly surprised with. At least there’s been one positive.
  5. I honestly want to see what Belichick brings. Watching him during the draft, he had alot more personality and energy.
  6. Honestly, this is the move that impressed me the most out of the whole draft. The fact we were able to come away with a solid WR, potential stud TE, RB, and a second round pick next year, is fantastic.
  7. I think he’s saying there are 4 picks before our next pick.
  8. Did it twice actually. He made it the first time but the other team tried to ice him. Then he kicked it again. Guarantee he’s on the NFL’s radar.
  9. I hope Fitterer steps on a Lego every day barefoot for the rest of his life.
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