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  1. Chubba is an outstanding blocker as well. Worked himself into being one of the best players on the team.
  2. His bad decisions happen in slow motion because the ball is moving so slow in the air.
  3. It's disrespectful to the rest of the team. He has to be benched.
  4. Just that it's a new season, new coaches, players. I know Bryce is terrible. I'd let him start next week on a short leash. As soon as that snowball gets rolling like that again it's Daltons team.
  5. This. I give young 1 game to improve moving forward. Anything close to this performance he is benched. The rest of the team deserve a punchers chance.
  6. Bryce INT. Let my 3 year old change to youtube.
  7. This place blows just like the rest of social media. I just lurk to catch up on some news and go on with my day.
  8. To tell the truth, the only thing I'm worried about is that injury bug we can seem to get away from.
  9. As a ups driver, I don't even notice the heat anymore. It's like I have rapidly adapted or something. I'm also only 33 so could also play a part. Anyways I always like Wilmington. Nice spot.
  10. Wilks is the man. Idk what yall are talking about.
  11. All the fox/Rivera comparisons. The two of them coached us to our only 2 superbowls. Didn't fox win one? Shiiiittttt
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