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About PantherRN

  • Birthday 12/05/1984

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  1. Greatest postgame interview in Charlotte sports history
  2. No way the Mannings let Arch come to this train wreck franchise
  3. I get not firing Reich mid season in year 1, but why the fig is Fitterer’s ass still employed? His GM tenure has been an unmitigated disaster that has left this team devoid of any talent at key positions on both sides of the ball. Fire Fitterer, bring in somebody with football knowledge to help lead the GM search and then let that new GM decide if he wants Reich or not. fug Scott Fitterer.
  4. It’s on WAXN 64 in the Charlotte area tonight. You should be able to get it over the air with an HD antenna.
  5. I looked it up for a laugh but after listening, it was just sad. He sounds mentally ill.
  6. Yep, and just wait until preseason. I’m sure half the huddle will be ready to jump off a cliff if our pick doesn’t light it up. I remember people calling Cam a bust after his first preseason. Then he shut them all up Week One against Arizona.
  7. What a choice… I guess the Cowboys? I’m so tired of Tom Brady, he’s tormented the NFL half my adult life, just be done already.
  8. Say what you will about winning a shitty division, but the team sneaking into the playoffs and winning the division in ‘14 was fun. I went to that playoff game in the fog where we beat the Cards and had a great time.
  9. The picture of Rhule that the Panther’s used to announce his firing has him framed against the stands from the game yesterday and the sea of red. Wonder if it was intentional?
  10. Clicked on this post so fast and then immediately got sad when I saw no source. If this is fake then ban him
  11. Whelp, I think I’ll just save my sanity and check out for the rest of the season. This is the lowest I remember being as a fan since inception. I could always find some reason for hope before, but Rhule has killed that completely for me.
  12. The only franchise in the Carolinas that has their poo together. Go Canes!
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