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  1. Even our front office isn't that stupid. Right? Right?!
  2. They need to move the Hornets to the G league. What a total embarrassment this franchise has become.
  3. If we can get to mediocre it would be a massive improvement. We are having to overpay to get what we can.
  4. Which is 4 levels above the line we had when DB went down.
  5. Does anyone even care at this point that Charlotte has a team?
  6. Proves that there a few really good prospects and then a bunch of guys all ranked as basic starters. We have to hit on that 1st pick.
  7. I don't think Campbell makes it out of the 1st round, but in this one he did.
  8. He probably has a guarantee from the Raiders already.
  9. I think this will be interesting all the way around. I imagine the Lakers got cold feet and found a doctor to fail the physical. By all accounts he was traded with a current physical done and the Lakers knew what they were getting. I am sure Mark is going to feel really welcome /s wherever he ends up.
  10. If that is how the draft falls I would rather have Will Campbell or Walker.
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