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Jon erickson

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  1. I feel like the most glaringly horrible O-line play last year was from LG Chris Reed and he's gone, I think David Moore comes in w the Norwell anger and takes the spot.
  2. The whole draft and free agency is so refreshing. No more Rivera playing the vets/Hurney drafting projects, gonna be like hunger games in training camp
  3. The trend is aggressive athletes they can coach up, no more soft low ceiling Hurney guys
  4. Moore and Deonte is a wide interior for pass pro
  5. I wanted him in the 5th but Deonte and Moore I love it
  6. I like Trey Smith at G then Trill Williams as a CB/Safety hybrid, similar attitude to Jaycee
  7. Trade those 6th's to move back up in the 4th/5th tmrw and be done with it. Draft really falls off after the 5th anyway
  8. David Newton couldn't pass a modern high school English test
  9. He'll wanna go to Colts/Pats/Rams etc, somewhere he can slide into a system and get into the playoffs. His arm is still good but I doubt he's interested in a rebuilding team or mentoring a draft pick yet.
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