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Star Lord

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  1. I went and took a shower to wash the unclean feelings off and I swear to God, the Panthers starting winning.
  2. I swear all we will hear from all the Media Talking Heads is how the Seattle D quit and that allowed Cam to throw the TD win strike. Not the fact that he lead 3 80yard drives that resulted in TD's... Nope.. just all about Seattle.
  3. Wow. Has anyone been accurate while throwing a part filled water bottle ? I have a hard time tossing one in the garbage can 2ft away while in the drive thru of Tim Hortons
  4. screw all yah with "tall" or "sky". Ppl know that they are tall. You need a cool nickname. Hence forth KB,Olsen,Funchess shall be called. The Three Amigos.
  5. You guys seem to like bashing a guy that if I'm correct in saying was basically a walk on player. So yeah maybe he hasn't had a lot of PR experience. Then again our ST really didn't give him much chance at returning to ball too
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