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Everything posted by DecrypticShadow

  1. Sorry, still trying to make since of this post.... Maybe it's the buzz I got going?
  2. TD!!!!!!!!! Fug Yes!!!!! I just creamed my drawers with elation!!!
  3. Long pass to Olsen with his knee in bounds!!!!! Here we go!!!! Shula must be finally reading the Huddle!!!
  4. 4th quarter conservative predictable offensive play calling is COMIN' A'tcha Huddle!!!!!
  5. "It's FOOTBALL on your Phoooooowoaaaannn!!!", is all I hear in my head everytime was SACK Eli Manning.... HAHAHAHAHA
  6. Is it weird that even up by 31, I am still crappin my pants knowing the 4th quarter is coming soon??
  7. Who da fug is Melvin White.... Hahaha nvm.. Don't care!!! Nice play!!!
  8. Ohhhh yeah I will be there.. The wife and I will be sitting in section 119.. row 7 in black 89 Smith jerseys... We should be right behind the goal posts..

  9. I will be there... section 119.. row 7

  10. Sounds good. Yea Bake is like 3-4 hours from here I think.

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