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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. also as far as we'll never see something liek this again, that's wishful thinking. the thing that's really going to get us is currently growing in a pig in eastern north carolina. and it will be antibiotic resistant when it breaks out.
  2. dude this amount vaccine research occurs every single year for the flu. like yeah it's a big deal but don't go overboard. there is a ridiculous amount of research that takes place annually on the most mundane poo. like the number one infection in the world for antiviral research is tuberculosis and will be after this. 10 million people got it in 2018. that's fuging nuts also turns out that vaccine might be the best way to prevent ARDS from covid-19. weird.
  3. well that's not true at all not saying a lot isn't going into this right now, but it pales in comparison to things like biologics or various antihypertensives. the vast majority of tests right now are figuring out how to utilize preexisting anti virals. that doesn't scratch the surface of what's going on with just like new treatments for psoriasis.
  4. actually the opposite! turns out when people get bored and drunk at 3 pm they make as bad of decisions as they do later in the night
  5. the last thing you want right now is people detoxing there is NOTHING worse than someone coming off alcohol
  6. studios have invested billions in streaming technology. Disney already released the biggest cartoon ever on streaming. studios don't need them anymore. there will still be small theaters for select films, but going to the theaters will be the new record player. and i say good. the only real appeal is seeing the big explody movies on a large screen and time to let that die.
  7. movie theaters probably aren't coming back, at least the AMC/Regal types.
  8. newt gingrich shut down the federal government because clinton made him sit in the back of air force once
  9. im fine with them both being morons. cuomo only looks competent next to trump or deblasio doesn't make it better, and it does have heart associated problems. whats the point of taking a drug that does nothing except prolong the qt interval
  10. thats nothing new that's been known for half a century the president is a fuging moron
  11. also reports of people getting reinfected are almost certainly false negatives from previous tests you tests 100s of millions of people you're going to get some weird results not in the US of course because we're not testing lmao
  12. There is growing evidence that countries that innoculate against TB, specifically one of a couple specific BCG strains, have improved immunity to the debilitating respiratory effects that are causing the most damage. This isn't to say TB vaccine is a cure for the illness, just that it for some reason downregulates some interleukin factors that really get ARDS going. Hydroxychloroquine does nothing. its MOA in wherever it's used is to stop viral reproduction. For anyone in the hospital, the damage is already done, and no ER doctors besides ones trying to get on fox news or people that have stocks. please do not try to acquire this second hand because it has some serious heart side effects and you're taking it from people who actually need it azithromycin targets macrophages within the lungs and can slow down the bad poo but its unknown just how effective it is for this and there hasn't been a study. i'd avoid. apparently nicotine of all things might have a protective factor but who knows. please do not start smoking doctors are seeing a ton of thrombolytic events. people are throwing clots. No one has any idea why that's happening people are dropping dead after only reporting kidney (lower back on the sides) pain. this is due to ACE2 receptors on the kidneys.
  13. SOMETHING happens when people use ibuprofen to treat covid 19 inflammation. you do not currently have it so i wouldn't be concerned.
  14. lol olympics aren't happening guys nothing is happening this year
  15. dont you think society has enough problems right now
  16. Please don't listen to this person.
  17. There will not be football this year.
  18. so martial law i guess also lol "marshall"
  19. yeah, this is going to be one of those thigns that fundamentally change how we approach our daily lives. Things like going into an office every single day to moves 1s and 0s around, or going to college classrooms etc, that's going to be reexamined. if you want to see how it will change politically, look at what's happening now. they're massive support in the country (on the left at least) for medicare for all programs. on the right? a definite 2024 GOP candidate for president Tom Cotton is talking about going to war with china over this.
  20. yes, thats why i said bacteria. not virus.
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