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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. the economy was tanking anyway before corona, they were just propping it up with rate cuts and overnight purchases. the US was faced with two problems: prevent the spread of the virus and salvage as much of the economy as possible. it has somehow failed to do either
  2. People are fuging stupid and have no idea what they're talking about. every one of my patients simultaneously think this is fake, and that they actually had it in december. im in rural tennessee
  3. we're already at great depression levels by any relevant economic indicator
  4. Flatten the curve was originally intended to lessen the strain on hospitals. When this started, people realized that if too many people went to the hospitals at the same time, it would overwhelm them and then at that point anything goes. Hospitals responded by limiting elective procedures, and at a societal level we reacted by varying levels of quarantine. Unfortunately, many people (and opportunistic politicians) have used the phrase as a justification to do what they want. To many people "flatten the curve" means the worst is over and the recovery has begun. Forget for the moment that this makes no sense at all. Decreasing infection rate means the quarantine is working, not that the battle is won. But many politicians are juicing the numbers to feed into this misunderstanding. So for example even as cases were rising in Georgia, Brian Kemp rescinded lockdown orders. He claims he did this because they had "flattened the curve" (which was false), but the real reason was that the state wouldn't be able to afford Unemployment Benefits anymore. So he forced people to either go back to work or just starve. It has recently been reported that he's been lying about the numbers by manipulating the charts so that days were shown by decreasing total, not by date. Which is pretty creative to be honest. https://www.ajc.com/news/state--regional-govt--politics/just-cuckoo-state-latest-data-mishap-causes-critics-cry-foul/182PpUvUX9XEF8vO11NVGO/ So yeah, that's flattening the curve. A good idea proposed by the medical community that was bastardized by right wing groups/politicians and now rendered meaningless. When people reference orwell, they almost always talk about surveillance, which completely misses the point. Orwell wasn't predicting CC cameras and such. People almost always forget the part of 1984 where someone talks about how language will cease to have meaning in the future. That was what orwell was really terrified of. and he was prescient.
  5. "You've put things in place that I think would optimize your capability of reopening," Fauci told Scott. "I was thinking as you were speaking I'd almost want to clone that, and make sure other people hear about that and see what you've been doing." Boy there's a lot going on in that phrase
  6. Then donate it to a food bank.
  7. lmao it'll go further in unemployment what in the world people can't fuging pay rent. putting any money behind barriers intentionally designed to make financial aid more difficult to get is just performative cruelty not to mention then it's held hostage by poo lords like brian kemp who will order people back into the plague
  8. i really don't understand how you can look at what's happened fiscally since 2008 and still believe in things like inflation or classical monetary theory social security has nothing to do with money and everything to do with politics and people really need to move away from the simple to understand outdated ideas
  9. so here's my free stock tip for everyone the next big miracle drug that trump goes nuts about are IL-6 inhibitors this is a cheap company that helps make them
  10. buying groceries from walmart is fine. they've gone out of their way to become a mid level grocerer. not publix or whole foods or anything but you can eat fine there. i do most of my grocery shopping at one. now family dollar on the other hand....
  11. the remdesevir trials were likely cooked, trading has been halted, and i assume people are shredding all their files and destroying hard drives as we speak in a normal timeline people like jim kramer would be put against the wall but he'll probably get a job in the trump administration
  12. my dad's largest client is the department of engraving about a month ago he told me that the national guard was about to be deployed to enforce a national lockdown but was cancelled at the last second. the reason he knew this is because they made him fly up to DC and finalize all the contracts that were due over the next three months like, that night, because they didn't know when they were going to be open again. but for whatever reason someone decided against it at the 11th hour. his second biggest client prints all the pokemon cards on the east coast lmao
  13. most deaths in the world, most confirmed cases in the world 4.4% of global population
  14. he's already floated that burr should step down, though nothing came of it. Burr decided to refer his actions to....a committee full of his senate colleagues. Burr isn't running for reelection in 2022 anyway. meadows stepped down/over to trumps CoS to avoid a loss in 2020 because NC looks like it's going to be a bloodbath. He's positioning himself to grab the new vacant seat. If Burr goes down before 2022, Cooper gets to appoint his replacement....from the same political party. lovely little system you have there, NC. Thom Tillis is dead in the water.
  15. all the government agencies able to combat this fall under the executive. for more information go to us.gov/kids
  16. because every tweet you make is archived, even if its deleted, and there's no evidence she made that and deleted it. that's just a rumor that's bounced around in your fever dream infected mind.
  17. you can't really talk about corona without politics since it's been such a massive and historic failure from the executive level. the books on this will be incredible.
  18. she didn't delete anything. that's just rumor mongering from whatever dark, hideous corner of the itnernet your kind hang out in. and she went to chinatown to combat anti chinese sentiment that started spreading after trump started doing what he does. you know, supporting her constituents. in san francisco. where she's from regardless the US cases mostly came from europe.
  19. he said a thing, someone else said a thing. what is undeniable is that people got into the country from the place trump said couldn't. He was just blowing smoke. And the rest of the world is blaming china because it's easier to do that than conduct an adequate response, apparently. Lindsey graham is getting murdered in fundraising and he's responding by calling China the world leader in pandemic spreading. like you don't have to post. you can just read and maybe educate yourself.
  20. i think my favorite story of trump ignoring this is when he was first briefed in early january, all he wanted talk about was making vapers happy. the dude is obsessed with vapers.
  21. he did not close off travel with china.
  22. i definitely intubated corona patients in january, we just didn't know it then.
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