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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. then you don't bring him in sam was always the third choice. if you're in for a penny you're in for a pound. the panthers believed they could build an offense for him to thrive in, one that leaned on CMC that he could execute. And that after he did that he would command more money. and for a second there it looked like it was going to work out, but of course now everything has fallen apart. just because of what's happened in the interim doesn't change what the situation was when the move happened
  2. betting on him turning it around and having him under contract for another season, vs. letting him dangle and demand a huge contract extension if you're bringing him in you obviously think he's going to rebound that was just a logical move
  3. tools to fix the team aren't on it sam was always the third option at QB, things just didn't work out. Injuries have hampered things, Brady has fallen to earth, etc. it's gone pear shaped; there's nothing that can be done. if you wanna blame him for how bad the offense is you have to give him credit for how good the defense is
  4. been going on for most of the teams history tbh
  5. cam is currently out of the league not sure you can say he'd be an upgrade over anyone at this point
  6. ruhle is a good coach. the panthers defense is legit all the problems on offense are amplifying one another. it's going pear shaped
  7. yep so much more talent on the team overall, too
  8. based on what we've seen this season i cannot imagine that
  9. might stand around him while he thinks of the rabbits.
  10. clausen at least had gross and kalil this panthers offense, based on performance, is worse across the board.
  11. if the panthers don't push downfield they're doing nothing on offense today. Giants just sitting on the short stuff.
  12. real talk; it makes a lot of sense not now, but in the offseason...
  13. im not sure they should rush in gilmore because he might not have anyone to cover.
  14. yeah this injury to wilson, combined with him wanting out, combined with the rams and ascendency of the cardinals.....that sound you hear is the window closing in seattle
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