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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. lmao at him asking blinger to rip his mic off
  2. hernandez was busy murdering people and still did that, including people that were likely enemies of Tom Brady/Belichick (like you said, "versatile") if you extrapolate out his stats if he weren't murdering people, he far exceeds Gronk's production. Gronk played the same role for the patriots that The Golden Calf of Bristol played for the Gators: distract the press and naive fans while the grease men murdered people behind the scenes.
  3. Patriots extended Hernandez first for a reason.
  4. Gronk wasn’t even the best tight end on his team. only reason he didn’t end up traded to Oakland or whatever is Aaron hernanzdez decided to rent his murder van from Hertz.
  5. far better former TE in the booth than Cronk, despite the hype. much like in their playing careers
  6. when he was a practice squad qb in Philly, Andy Reid tried to make him a player/qb coach so he couldn't be poached.
  7. Sign Derek Carr, trade up for Jalen Carter, begin a thousand year reign of terror on the NFC South.
  8. I always confuse Tony pike and Mike Kafka for some reason Was Kafka ever on the panthers roster? In training camp or anything? Was ken Dorsey?
  9. This coaching search is officially Kafka-esque also part of the legendary pickles, armanti Edwards draft
  10. Well I don’t know what letting reddick walk has to do with it; they weren’t a good match together, burns was cheaper, etc you also can’t let passing on the trade influence the decision on contract moving forward. That’s in the past. He’s either worth a contract or he’s not.
  11. I am, I don’t derive pride from stupid things, but I don’t regret that. you only get 17 of these games a year. You should enjoy every one. The draft is a complete crap shoot. on top of that, this team was never getting a guaranteed shot at the top player; it was always going to involve trading pieces. When extra first rounders are involved the difference between a 2023 4th or 9th overall pick is marginal. some of you people either want a Super Bowl win or a first round pick. You people need to touch grass.
  12. You, an idiot: He's bailing because he's a quitter and he doesn't love the game and blah blah blah Me, sophisticated: he's bailing because
  13. wouldn't say he's bailing, he's just burned out he's said multiple times he isn't going to be one of those coaches who runs himself into the ground and dies at 65. and he's got an easy 15/mil a year studio job waiting for him. Good for him. Get out. Plus.....that wife...
  14. Reminder that Ross did this exact same thing with Tony Sporano the first time Harbaugh came out, and it was so far along that Sporano had packed up all his stuff. He had to be given an extension to come back.
  15. so this is either being misreported or misinterpreted by the uncle (or both, most likely) this doesn't really mean anything.
  16. if Harbaugh had just come to Carolina in the first place we'd be in year 12 of the Pax Pantera and the super bowl banners would be hanging from the rafters like the salmon of Capistrano
  17. Not gonna follow the thread but I read your post and am responding to key points because this forum is dire right now and effort needs to be acknowledged Darnold acquisition - I have a theory based on everything that overpaying for him, signing him, and hiding him in preseason was all some kind of weird attempt to boost his ego and try to right the ship from NYJ. Rhule and Tepper made a huge deal about hiring team psychologists to help players through hard times (a great move, imo) and that all just adds up. It was also the college coach in Rhule; remember the hype videos where they threw him a party and filmed it? I really don't think that was Tepper; it just doesn't add up Burns - Yeah, hard to defend it at this point. Burns vanished in the biggest game of the year against a left tackle who has struggled all season. Only argument against the trade is that Burns helps Fitterer keep his job now, and trading him for picks does not. If the Panthers were gonna make that trade, he'd need assurances he'd be around to use the picks and we don't know if he was given them. Fields - Fields is a very boom or bust QB who's taking advantage of teams playing 2 high zone and leaving the flats empty. He's an incredible athlete and once he's at top speed he's not getting touched. He's got a great deep ball but struggles with reads. It's unclear if his passing struggles/inconsistencies are due to that, or Chicago being what it is. I think it's too early to tell with Fields. And maybe they'd be in a position to attract a top flight coach, but what if fields was JUST good enough to keep rhule around...or he used the "gotta keep things consistent for a young qb" argument to buy another year? And I think it's really unfair to Horn that he keeps getting compared to Fields, especially since he had a fluke foot injury and then a fluke friendly fire broken wrist. If Horn shuts down Evans yesterday and the Panthers are poised to get into the playoffs, we're all singing a different tune. Thomas - no fuging idea. nothing about it makes sense. He's banging Tepper's wife and she ordered her husband to keep him around....and reward him.
  18. Honestly Wilks being a member of the Rivera staff is hurting him on this board. fans are projecting grievances from that era on to him.
  19. DE, MLB Panthers are down their top two corners. No team has the kind of depth to overcome that.
  20. Discourse around those first half punts will be insufferable
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