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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. nothing in the fitness community is double blind tested or anything, but here's an article with some of the science behind why calves don't get big http://www.t-nation.com/training/3-reasons-your-calves-arent-growing granted, the article is about calves actually getting bigger IF YOU BUY THIS SECRET FORMULA but for 9/10 people the calves they have are what they're going to have. This isn't a new thing. Back when I was living in France and studying the French Revolution, I came across this thing where carriage drivers would get paid more if they had bigger calves. Like, people with bigger calves looked better in breeches or whatever. They would actually stuff their stockings to make their calves look bigger. Also lol calves aren't part of leg day. Every bro in the world ends the day with abs and calves.
  2. Calves are basically pure genetics and you can't make them bigger without site injections or whatever. This is accepted in the BB community.
  3. but let me just stress that even when i write plans for people that just want to look good, they're still doing two squat variations a week, and they're still deadlifting. when they argue with me i just tell them it'll make their bench go up, which isn't necessarily untrue.
  4. Typically people that lift for aesthetics only will avoid serious heavy lifting. Lifting like this takes a toll on your CNS, and days of doing 5x5@80% BS takes a lot of time away from bis/tris or whatever bro split people tend to be working on. Guys that lift to look good focus only on a few muscle groups, and heavy squats ain't one of them. That said, a good, healthy lifting program will incorporate a number of compound lifts, as they're the ones that derive the greatest health boons, whether they be cardio strength/bone density/whatever. Me personally: I'm hoping to make the crossfit games this year, and I've been on a heavy strength cycle for the last 3 months. My body has changed shaped. I don't really care, and in the next few months of heavy metconning I'll probably drop down to 175 and be "cut" or "ripped" or whatever. At the end of the day, do what makes you happy. I understand the appeal of having the eight pack and whatever, and there was a time I cared about it, but lifting weights is just so much more fun. I think I still look pretty good, and maybe at some point I'll decide to just gym bro it out and start cruising anavar or whatever. Or maybe I'll split the difference like Klokov: do oly with an hour a day of beach body workouts.
  5. 506 yeah. but i don't train deadlift. every now and then i just kinda max it out.
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