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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. In this case the prosecutor dropped the charges after the legal teams reached a settlement number that satisfied both parties. Whether or not there was any additional paperwork involved or her not showing up just sealed the deal is a state specific question. Either way, the hardy legal team clearly felt it was more beneficial to their client to pay to make her go away than to let the trial play out.
  2. Hardy just got paid 16 million to sit out the season and used a fraction of the money he was given to pay off his accuser after being found guilty in a court of law. He's not coming back.
  3. in the eyes of the law his previous conviction never happened, and basically this all just vanished.
  4. hardy had all the money in the world and tried to wait her out, hoping she'd get desperate, or fug up somehow, or run out of money. it's basically the strategy used by every single defense attorney representing a monied client. if i said vick striking a plea deal wasn't an admission of guilt because none of us can PROVE he would have lost the trial i'd never be taken seriously again. but just because it's a carolina panther who was convicted in a court of law and went through an entire pretrial process before paying off his accuser i'm supposed to believe he was actually playing fourth dimensional chess. you people are pathetic.
  5. hardy had all the money in the world and tried to wait her out, hoping she'd get desperate, or fug up somehow, or run out of money. it's basically the strategy used by every single defense attorney representing a monied client. if i said vick striking a plea deal wasn't an admission of guilt because none of us can PROVE he would have lost the trial i'd never be taken seriously again. but just because it's a carolina panther who was convicted in a court of law and went through an entire pretrial process before paying off his accuser i'm supposed to believe he was actually playing fourth dimensional chess. you people are pathetic.
  6. the insane, nuts logic that you don't make a settlement for a case you're going to win.
  7. this is basically an admission of guilt on hardy's part btw
  8. charges are dismissed. why she didn't show is anyone's guess. free man.
  9. most of the guys at wodapalooza last weekend were on some kind of gear. they all had like 40-50 pounds on me, and i know they don't lift more often than I do. feels bad man
  10. I gotta get on gear to get rid of the last baby pudge
  11. i competed at wodapalooza this weekend. ask me for cf drama
  12. have you or anyone in your family complained of sleep walking?
  13. There is never going to be a double blind peer reviewed study on how to get calves like chad, brah. closest thing you'll get is professional bb who use their own bodies as laboratories. if anyone thinks they can actually pump up their calves then be my guest wasting your time. You're just wasting effort you could be putting in to get a respectable back squat or deadlift. or you'll be like the dude from mtv true life who got calf implants then went on to do gay porn.
  14. you plan ahead and make sure you'll never miss a workout session
  15. whoa, you mean to tell me you got bigger through your twenties? what kind of wizard are you and the fact you you completely switched training paradigms with no loss kinda proves my point so thanks for that.
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