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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. what do you mean creatine stopped working? did you fast forward to a year from now and not notice the incremental gains that creatine allows you to make slowly over time? sigh. you gullible people. beta alanine and caffeine. that's all any pwo is
  2. lost a cell phone to that game. Sitting in section 126, at the end of the first half when Gabbert tossed up that prayer I couldn't see it in the clouds. I seriously doubt whoever caught that touchdown could see it either.
  3. yeah dude it would be free. i have an idea of the business model but first i need to see if it will work.
  4. i am seriously considering running a side business doing online fitness consulting. if i offered this for free for like two months to 2-3 people would anyone be interested
  5. lol wanting to be skinny fat and not aspiring for rezadadeh mode
  6. doing crunches will not burn fat. your body doesn't know you want to lose fat from a specific part of your body. fat is a survival mechanism, and you will lose it uniformly across your body. If someone tells you you can "spot tone" they are lying to you. Burning fat is about eating at/causing with exercise a caloric deficit. If you keep consuming more calories a day than you burn, through both just existing and through exercising, your body will keep turning it into fat cells for the upcoming hibernation period that will never come. As far as ab exercises, crunches are useless. Learn how to do compound lifts like squats and deadlifts which require you to engage your core.
  7. would anyone be interested if I were to offer, as a service, custom designed workout programs and diet consultations?
  8. 250# Push Press https://instagram.com/p/42cvFQJQSB/?taken-by=bradfordmills
  9. ​You're right, it was Wallace. fug my memory is going in my old age.
  10. ​that was probably one of the worst live hits i've ever seen. Minter had the other one.
  11. greg favors got fined for it for pr reasons honestly they don't know the hit that actually did it.
  12. this is 130k, after a 98k ****** and some heavy single FS at 155.
  13. born in 85 went to their first game in Canton, Ohio. Have had season tickets since clemson. Family name on the statue. fug with me
  14. you get traps from oly lifting speaking of here's my training for today
  15. ahhh yes the "better than buffalo" metric. wow cities change in 30 years tell me more.
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