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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. that youtube account also posts videos about the earth being flat so
  2. Can't believe no one has run on that "acceptable percentage of deaths" platform. Also the one european country that famously tried this has been predictably one of the worst struck. And they're like the healthiest country in the world. All the swedes do is play volleyball, fug, and hide nazi gold.
  3. well in healthcare we don't talk about acceptable casualty rates so
  4. this is now how shutting down works you do it before it gets bad, not after.
  5. time to quarantine south carolina
  6. GOAT is basically asking how the field of epidemiology works
  7. as of may 22nd this was not the case.
  8. they're succeeding the smell is overpowering
  9. this is just a random image from dragoncon. imagine this across four hotels
  10. DragonCon is one of the most crowded, least healthy looking things you've ever seen in your life. Hambeasts shoulder to shoulder, sweating and panting, spread out over 4 hotels, drunkenly humping each other in secret orgies every single night, half of them are on mobile oxygen already DragonCon this year would simply be referred to as "The Incident" by future epidemiologists
  11. almost like things were closed down for a long weekend or something
  12. one of my patients is an old man who gets a steroid shot and rocephin shot every week "SO I DONT GET PNEUMONIA" he's had the covid test 3 times lmao it doesn't even phase him we do whatever we can to get him the fug out
  13. except in asheville where the housing bubble never fuging crashes
  14. if anyone buys these i will fuging find you
  15. I had a patient yesterday asking if he should take it because the president told him to.
  16. All the scab nurses come from like Micronesia, at least in Asheville. In Asheville all the russians work in waste management and that one dry cleaning place near biltmore.
  17. people have this really big problem understanding how job responsibilities are broken down among the medical profession. Like at their accounting firm or oil change shop they can tell you exactly what every single members role is and how it differs etc. But generally people hear doctor and think all health. That is incredibly incorrect. The people you want to listen to here are... infectious disease - smartest people in med school go into ID. virologists - they study viruses epidemiologists - they study how things spread pulm/internal med/intensivists - these are the ones taking care of people after they're tubed or convalescing For things like this, look at what they do, what their exposure would be, and why we should listen to what they say about country wide policy. What does an emed doctor do here? Looks at a CT and sends them upstairs. The fact she's going on Fox news and complaining about a drug we know to do nothing being politicized, well, that should tell you all you need to know. This could also be like those old right wing 1,000 SCIENTISTS DENY CLIMATE CHANGE. Then it turned out half were meteorologists and the other half just had a problem with one piece of data out of a corner of canada but never actually denied the broader science. Or the last time earlier this year where the list was just posted online and anyone could sign it. Unless there really is a Dr. Weedlord BonerHitler who works in proctology.
  18. Midland, Michigan just had a couple of dam breaks that for some unthinkable reason were to be managed by HOAs that just ignored them. 10,000 people ordered to evacuate. Going to be close to ten feet of water just washing a town away. There's a nuclear powered DOW chemical plant downstream of it. During a pandemic. You couldn't write that.
  19. well they didn't inject them someone just had the bright idea of taking the scabs from people dying and just like shoving it into the blood of healthy people. so they literally just took a dying person around in a mule cart, cut off a piece of them, and shoved it into a wound they had just made. it was not the most efficient way to go about doing this but it might have worked. if you watch the Knick (and you should, it was an amazing show and only two seasons) they do a scene where he innoculates a village from smallpox by grinding up old scabbed wounds and blowing it up people's noses. it's pretty cool
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