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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. the luke pick was the loudest that stadium has ever been louder than the pick against dallas in 96
  2. he's a covid denier now he's dead to me
  3. Per Schefter, Watson doesn't give a poo who the Texans hire; he wants out.
  4. it's happening right now I'm sure. Though you have to think their delay on hiring a coach has to do with bienemy. Or maybe they're just trying to delay to give Deshaun time to cool down before they hire like Jim Caldwell or something. Either way I don't htink we're going to have anything on that until after Stafford is traded, because he has a team option coming up in March.
  5. Watson has a team bonus on the 5th day of the league year, which is in march, well before the draft if the panthers fail this move then Watson has to be the next choice
  6. i love/hate his fuging corporate speak pretty soon we're going to need to shift the paradigm and vertically integrate the new team members. let's take this to email and touch base later
  7. stafford has been dealing with a litany of nagging injuries over the past few years, and has the appearance of something taped together just waiting to collapse. even this year I think there were 3-4 games he couldn't finish. There's also a lot of talk he might retire, though I guess playing for the lions can do that to you. your best bet with him is a 2 year deal. He's aging like KK short.
  8. alright guys get ready to DISRUPT THE NFL! /none of the paychecks clear
  9. generally a startup mentality means no one is getting paid
  10. i mean yeah i guess if we have to choose we take the guy who can literally take the field thats a depressingly low bar to clear
  11. eh star is washed too. shoulda let them both go neither of them aged worth a poo
  12. that'd be worse than the qb comp between chris weinke and jeff lewis.
  13. None of the coaches or FO people that screwed Cam over are even with the team anymore, and it's not like letting him go looks like the wrong move right now.
  14. Yeah but Watson isn't going to go to a team that's completely gutted. that's why it's a difficult balance. Offer too much and he doesn't want to deal with it.
  15. Well the big one is Miami but they've said they're not interested, and I buy that given where the head coach is from. New England could do it and has the cap, but Watson might not want to go to the source of Easterby which is the problem. Chicago might be interesting, but that would cost them a poo load. Watson has a no trade and I can't imagine him going to the Jets. Same with the Jags. I dunno, honestly Carolina kinda makes the most sense.
  16. need someone for him to throw to. Not much point of trading for Deshaun and having him toss to Robby Anderson and like Ishmael Hyman
  17. Meaning he's not getting traded. Second most valuable thing in football is a pass rusher like him. I think you protect Moton (someone has to block), Moore (someone has to catch), Burns/Brown/Chinn (that's the defense) anyone else? go hog wild.
  18. there's not even capacity to make every Watson Panthers jersey that would be ordered.
  19. rappaport doens't have any panthers sources. he's just connecting dots. fwiw i think he's right though
  20. you wait so long for something and now that it's finally here....
  21. being outside is not the problem, it's what happens afterwards. large beach gatherings tend to end in people going to large, air conditioned indoor gatherings where the virus is shown to spread the most. protests generally end in people going home, and studies have shown they don't really increase the transmission rate. you have such an obtuse and un nuanced view of this it's really difficult to converse with you. im really having trouble believing you're in a master's program for anything.
  22. it's a facile point. "prove to me the political affiliation of every person" is sea lioning. do you honestly think these were BLM in fuging ft lauderdale during spring break? Like is that really an argument I'm supposed to entertain? i was responding specifically to the dangers of having beaches open. you're conflating your stupid concern trolling with a different argument about spreads between protests and beach going
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