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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. the rare trade that worked out for neither team
  2. nice to see what passes as insight on online MBA twitter
  3. city with the best sports ortho people in the country lol
  4. Given his performance in NO and the connections between brady and the saints offense, I think it was fine to think you might be striking gold with the signing. Clearly, that didn't work, and that's why Teddy cries himself to sleep every night.
  5. there are two ways to look at peter king saying this 1.) he's probably just bullshitting and trying to generate clicks. the guy mails in all his articles these days and has been coasting on his name for over a decade. 2.) he is one of the NFLs official mouth pieces. If he's saying something, then he's heard something or the NFL wants to start getting the idea out there.
  6. i love how king just randomly tosses in Robby Anderson, since as someone who only cares about the Jets and Giants thats a player he's heard of.
  7. Watson shitting the bed would be like the fourth best QB season in Panthers history.
  8. edit* close this thread, didn't realize it was being discussed elsewhere
  9. can't believe Teddy unfollowed the Panthers on Grindr smdh
  10. does anyone else just always combine tre boston and charles godfrey into one player
  11. he's still a cap hit of 5.3 which I guess will be spread out across the next 2 seasons. Clears 880k of cap space. Really looks like this was just a contract v production move.
  12. Good guy, well liked, totally washed, bring him back as a coach or something
  13. ive said this a few times but his transition from season 1 to 2 was bizarre. he went from a rotational OLB to a pass rush DT. in 2021 he's going to play like WR or something
  14. would be nice as a veteran rotational/veteran type guy for the young dlinemen but will likely be chasing a ring/overpaid by someone unless they get watson......OR USE HIM AS A CHIP TO ENTICE WATSON
  15. just what we need; another RT that wants to switch sides
  16. because it's february, the panthers didnt win poo, and there's fug else to talk about
  17. I don't know how to edit that poo but 1-4 is Lawrence, Wilson, Lance, Fields Honestly if it costs that much to get Lance, just go ahead and toss in more firsts for Watson.
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