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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. Reddick played all 16 games last season, and has never missed a game in 4 seasons. Denzel Perryman.....Reddick has never missed a game in his pro career. also who cares about money? the cap isn't real
  2. im not quite sure what better moves they could have made on defense.
  3. yeah I also want CMC to spend more of his time lined up out wide and less time taking handoffs. we need to use him more like we used Samuel last season.
  4. Yeah, but it was pretty clearly their 4th option at best. Like I don't hate the FO because of this trade; I think that just everything out of the Panthers control that could go against them did. And it's fine having like a last ditch backup plan. Just want to know how much of this was just getting rid of BW for getting rid of him sake.
  5. Preface: I think the Darnold trade was essentially burning a future 2nd rounder to take a chance at a marginal upgrade over BW to get us through the season. I neither expect this to be nor think the team considers it a long term solution at the position. That said, I wonder how much of this was just wanting to get rid of Teddy Bridgewater. 1. How bad was the end of season review? During the season you can only spend so much time going over old film, since you have to prepare for the next week. After the seasons are over, that's when coaches REALLY break down everything that happened in the previous season. How horrifying was Bridgewater's tape? 2. Did they burn the bridges with Teddy? It's been absolutely no secret the Panthers wanted to upgrade the position. They were outbid on Stafford, and were possibly about to pull the trigger on Watson before his proclivities started coming to light. There's been a couple statements about "teddy being their guy" that were never very convincing. Teddy doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who would be disrespected or whatever; guy doesn't really seem to give a poo at all. 3. Do they think he's washed? I think the signing THEORETICALLY made sense, given his performance in New Orleans and that kind of connection to Joe Brady. We all saw a player who could pile up yards between the twenties, but definitely not someone who was going out there to win games. None of us were ever excited when he had that ball for the final 2 minute drill; we all knew how that was going to end. I dunno, this whole move feels like they're just trying to move on. The QB situation hasn't been addressed, but the Bridgewater question has.
  6. I think they'd like to, sure. Doesn't mean it will happen. If it means they have to cut him, why not just hang on to him as a backup? It's clear the Panthers don't give a poo about his feelings lmao
  7. if anyone cares i think this is basically a future second round pick to see if you can unfug a former first who was in a bad situation and i think it's worth the trade. money doesn't matter in the NFL, and neither does the cap anymore i don't think this means bridgewater is definitely traded or that they wouldn't draft a QB at 8.
  8. Jets reporters reporting Ruhle really loved Darnold when he was slated to take the Jets job, before Tepper started raining helicopter money on him.
  9. actually per this chart the jets don't know anything about the players they draft, or how good they'll be
  10. this apparently isn't him, but I do love seeing huge guys take their first punch. guys that size have probably never had to fight. doesn't matter how big you are, that first time taking one to the jaw will wake you up. This is my favorite. Two Oklahoma football players decide to talk poo in a bathroom at a bar to a smaller guy. Turns out the smaller guy did 10 years of MMA and fugs him up. to all the young men reading this thread who ever think of starting a fight at a bar with someone; the people eager to get in fights with you are eager for a reason.
  11. lmao people talking about how good fromm was at UGA whole lot of people did not watch him play only reason he got on the field to begin with was Eason got hurt
  12. yeah. i take this and run with it. sometimes circumstances are out of your hands. and we can still draft that safety ruhle loves so much.
  13. I mean it is true that the Houston PD hasn't had a good couple of years
  14. buzbee is going to go on like judge judy or something
  15. Make these things that could have/rumored to have almost happened, not just random poo like trade a 3rd for Tom Brady in 2000 or whatever. I like to think the rumored Joe Thomas for a first during the 2015 season probably wins us the superbowl, sets us up moving forward, and keeps cam healthy.
  16. Luke certainly did his part in the Super Bowl.
  17. Since he got here, Chinn has acted like he wants a statue in front of the stadium.
  18. he's just coasting through his little nfl career until he can transition into lifestyle brand ambassadorship or whatever
  19. if it was only one you'd probably say it wasn't believable because it's just one girl.
  20. they're gonna fleece someone with that on draft day. or by the end of today, who knows
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