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electro's horse

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Everything posted by electro's horse

  1. is it just me or were we running the ball pretty effectively when we abandoned it?
  2. fwiw on the blown up ian thomas screen, that failed because miller ate poo. thomas would have like slipped on air or whatever regardless, but miller looked useless out there today.
  3. This man literally does not know how to play football
  4. i think this game will hinge on how well sam darnold plays. whether or not thats good or bad is up to you to decide
  5. i think it's pretty likely the patnerhs dont end up drafting in the first round next season
  6. on one hand i can't believe he's dragging my team's coach into this on the other hand...he makes some good points
  7. yeah that was pretty funny the panthers were clicking on all cylinders but people picked the cowboys because, uh, thanksgiving and please don't let a small market team win
  8. did i say something (possibly while on drugs) that i don't remember about this trade i feel like ive been pretty consistent
  9. eh, i never hated it we obviously couldn't go another season with bridgewater, and darnold was their third choice. Deshaun didn't work out for obvious reasons, and Stafford turned us down in favor of LA. Team never seemed that high on any of the non lawrence QBs. I just don't think anyone expected it go to this well THIS fast. still plenty of time for the wheels to come off, however.
  10. im just considering this year his rookie season and am not upset after three weeks
  11. yeah i imagine we'll manufacture a couple more before the day is done
  12. not gonna have a lot of room to trade back, the rate we're going
  13. obviously the cap is a myth and all but if henderson balls out, it's very difficult to prioritize donte over burns, dj, or poo, even reddick now.
  14. means two things to me 1. horn is done for the year, barring a playoff run comeback. good for him, whatever. feet are an injury you don't force things with. 2. we're going more heavier sets. offensive line isn't gelling and arnold doesn't bring much as a blocker. Tremble's big night against houston doesn't hurt either.
  15. coasted on getting star and kk obviously his last draft was great as well, but in between? woof and now he goes to New York and does.....this
  16. I don't think it's desperate times. I think the Panthers recognize they have a good opportunity, probably better than they anticipated heading into the season, and they want to capitalize on it. And this wouldn't even cost a draft pick. Hell, who on this board doesn't wish we'd pulled the trigger on the 1st round draft pick in 2015 for Joe Thomas? All it would have cost us is a player that took 5 years to be any good.
  17. I watched that game while I painted my living room those are two shitty fuging teams.
  18. Panthers related because people on this board still won't shut up about this
  19. just like bribing cops, you don't get a chance for a second offer; you better blow him away with the first offer
  20. Sherman's negatives probably out weigh the potential positives at this point, but the panthers might feel it's worth rolling the dice. For anyone worried about how this might fug everything up, the Panthers have shown they'll cut someone's ass if they don't fit in with what they're doing; see Perryman, Denzel My personal opinion is that he's worth bringing in, if he has his personal poo under control and he understands his role on the team. Some players (like peanut) are willing to embrace that leadership role. Some players (like steve smith) are not. A lot of his recent issues have reportedly been related to a mental health emergency, and I'm not going to poo on someone for that. If that's under control, and he feels it's under control, I believe/trust him. He's a cerebral guy. Additionally I'm glad to see the panthers FO is on the same page as me. Now let's sign some big workhorse RB and shift CMC to WR.
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